Wednesday, October 30, 2019

MARKETING PRACTICE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

MARKETING PRACTICE - Essay Example The rationale iÃ'• that the more a company underÃ'•tandÃ'• and meetÃ'• the real needÃ'• of itÃ'• conÃ'•umerÃ'•, the more likely it iÃ'• to have happy cuÃ'•tomerÃ'• who come back for more, and tell their friendÃ'•. ThiÃ'• proceÃ'•Ã'• can entail the foÃ'•tering of long term relationÃ'•hipÃ'• with cuÃ'•tomerÃ'•. In order to determine cuÃ'•tomer wantÃ'•, the company uÃ'•ually needÃ'• to conduct Ã'•ome form of marketing reÃ'•earch. Overall, the marketer expectÃ'• that becoming marketing oriented, if done correctly, will provide the company with a Ã'•uÃ'•tainable competitive advantage. The concept of marketing orientation waÃ'• developed in the late 1960Ã'• and early 1970Ã'• at Harvard UniverÃ'•ity and at a handful of forward thinking companieÃ'•. It replaced the previouÃ'• Ã'•aleÃ'• orientation that waÃ'• prevalent between the mid 1950Ã'• and the early 1970Ã'•, and the production orientation that predominated prior to the mid 1950Ã'•. Ð…ince the concept waÃ'• firÃ'•t introduced in the late 1960Ã'•, it haÃ'• been modified, repackaged, and renamed aÃ'• "cuÃ'•tomer focuÃ'•", "the marketing philoÃ'•ophy", "market driven", "cuÃ'•tomer intimacy", "conÃ'•umer focuÃ'•", "cuÃ'•tomer driven", and "the marketing concept". The market orientation that a firm adoptÃ'• varieÃ'• depending on the product life cycle, the level of competition within the market, and external factorÃ'• Ã'•uch aÃ'• the economic environment. CompanieÃ'• are likely to modify their market orientation over the life cycle of a particular product, and it iÃ'• common for a Ã'•ingle company to have different productÃ'• with different orientationÃ'•. There iÃ'• no one orientation that iÃ'• appropriate for all productÃ'•, and the changing environment and global market in which todayÃ'• companieÃ'• operate mean that orientationÃ'• are likely to undergo rapid change. DeÃ'•pite the importance that market orientation playÃ'• in a companyÃ'• Ã'•ucceÃ'•Ã'•, many companieÃ'• are unaware that their productÃ'• have a particular

Monday, October 28, 2019

Sociological Imagination Essay Example for Free

Sociological Imagination Essay The blackboard website will be unavailable between 7PM to midnight on June 29th for maintenance, so please make sure you upload it before 7 PM. Do not wait till last minute. Late assignments will result point deduction or even a zero essay grade. Format: Please submit an electronic word file named â€Å"your full name essay 1†, such as â€Å"JohnSmithessay1†, through blackboard on time. This essay should be 3-4 pages in total, double spaced, 11 point font. Do not directly copy and paste your assignment on blackboard! Choose to attach your assignment word file. Late assignments are not going to be accepted. The sociological imagination enables individuals to see the intimate relationship between the events of history as they occur in human societies and the events of an individuals or familys biography. wrote C. Wright Mills. In this assignment, you are to write up an Essay explaining the connections between your family biography and historical events over the past 50 years. Choose one family members of yours to focus on, such as your grandparents, you parents, your brothers and sisters, or you. Reflect on his or her life and think about how his/her life trajectory is intertwined with the historical changes in the country that you are from. The purpose of this assignment is to for you to apply the sociological imagination to analyze the profound influence that historical and societal contexts have on lives of individuals. Please make sure that you fulfill the following requirements: Clearly state what the personal events are. Explain how these personal events in your family are related to or affected by some of the historical events you listed. Explain in your own words what the sociological imagination is and whether/how it has helped you to better understand the life experiences of your family members. You can refer to the first assigned reading to answer these questions. Before you start your essay, you can do the following exercise on a piece of paper. Please do not include the time line drawing in your essay! It is just used for you to better conceptualize your essay. Draw a time line that begins in the 1960 and ends at the 2013. Above the line you are to identify in chronological order three significant events and/or transitions in the life of you or your family members (such events or transitions are like births, graduations, marriages, divorces, employment changes, income changes, geographic mobility, employment changes, or other changes you can think of). Next, think about the historical and social contexts underlying this particular individual’s life trajectory. What historical or societal events have affected his/her path or life? What historical or societal factors have influenced the important decisions he/she made in his/her life? Below the line identify in chronological order some of these important historical events. Write down the historical events and the time period it occurred or lasted. Such events in the United States include, are not limited to, World War II, the Cold War, the Korean War, the Civil Rights and Womens movements, the Vietnam War, the recession of the 1980s, and etc. Please do not be limited by the events I list here. You are free to choose some historical events that are less well known (such as the development of colon technology, tea party movement and etc.) but you think are influential in your life or the life of the family member that you chose. After you have decided which family member and life events to focus on, write an essay on the relationships between these personal events and some the important historical events in your country. Please note: I am not asking you to write what you or your family were thinking or doing on the day of 911 or the inauguration day of president Obama. You are supposed to write about how these historical events substantially shaped the life trajectory of the particular individual you chose. Your essay will be graded based on how well you answered each question and the overall quality of your assignment. I strongly recommend you read the grading rubric in the appendix carefully before you start. Please organize your thoughts and arguments, present them in a logical manner and explain them in detail. Please proof read papers for typographical and grammatical errors. Appendix 1: excerpts of other students assignments as example The following are some examples from other students assignments. Please learn from them how to apply the sociological perspective to your own life events but do not be constrained by them. (1) During World War II my family underwent some great changes. My grandmother took a second job, working in the woolen mills making army blankets. My grandfather joined the marines and moved his whole family from Ohio to California It was during this time that my grandparents divorced. Divorces are higher during any period of dramatic economic change. Although Im sure my grandparents blamed themselves, their divorce was a product of the economy and society. The same theory holds true for my parents. When they divorced, they blamed themselves, wondering what each had done wrong, as I did. When I look at what was happening in the economy, the similarities [with my grandparents] are easy to see. The nation- wide divorce rate was up dramatically and the economy was beginning to take a terrible turn for the worse. (2)When people ask me why I enrolled in college a year ago, I usually answered that I enrolled because I wanted to. I realize now that my answer cannot be quite that simple. Because my family doctor believed that the pill was finally proven safe in 1963, I was able to plan my family. In doing so, my son and daughter are nearly raised and I am still young enough to pursue a second career. More than any other factor, though, the womens movement probably was the greatest influence on my decision. The successes of the movement in social equality have given me the necessary courage and confidence to attempt to be more than a mere shadow of my husbands social position. Appendix 2: grading rubric Sociological Understanding (40%) The essay should apply key sociological concepts, ideas, theories learned in class correctly and properly to analyze related topics. Assertions in the essay must be supported by evidence (from texts or from data) that is logically related to the thesis. Coverage (30%) The essay must be clearly based on readings and topics related to the course. Essays that are simple summaries of sources are adequate, but will not get the highest grades. The essay should answer all the required questions in the essay guideline. If you fail to answer any questions, some points will be deducted. However, you should organize the essay in a way that it flows smoothly. Do not just list your answers to each question. Originality (10%) The essay should be original. Originality does not mean that you must be the first to think or write something, but that you take different sources and write about them using your point of view. Originality is entailed in taking your sources and forging them into an essay in your voice. Summarizing sources will be adequate, but not very original. Papers written by you and previously submitted to other courses are not original for this course. Such recycled papers will get a failing grade. Copying directly from internet without citing properly is considered plagiarism and will result in a failing grade. What is plagiarism? Writing Quality (10%) Words and constructions should be chosen with care. Statements should be direct and clear.w The essay should contain no errors of sentence structure, spelling, word choice, or punctuation. If you have difficulty writing or English is your second language you should tell me at the beginning of the semester. Im not a writing teacher, but I will do what I can to help you become a better writer. You should also seek help at the Writing Center. Every paper must have a title and the authors name, either at the top of the first page or on a separate title page. All citations and references must be in ASA, APA or MLA format. The general tone of the essay should be academic and professional. Good writing often sounds like well-organized thoughtful conversation. I do not want you to imitate the turgid academic writing found in some sociology journals. I want you to write with a level of sophistication appropriate for well-educated college students.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Daggers found in shaft graves during the bronze age :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The ornamental daggers of the late bronze age found in the shaft graves at Mycenae, that date between 1550, and 1500 B.C. were made by Cretans for the mainland market. Even though these daggers were made in Crete none have ever been found there. Some other places where similar daggers have been found are the island of Thera, Vapheio, Pylos, and the Argire Heraeum. This shows that there was trade among all of those places during the time period that the daggers were made. Most of the daggers were found in grave circle A at Mycenae. How they were made   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The men who made the daggers found in the shaft graves were very skilled craftsmen. They showed contrast of color and of relief with the decoration of their work. On both sides of the daggers was a slotted silver or gold plate which would be decorated before being put on. They would decorate the plates with gold, silver, copper, alloys, and another technique known as niello. Niello is a black metallic alloy of sulphur, copper, silver, and usually lead, used as an inlay on engraved metal. It is considered painting in metal. The metal surface is brushed with a borax solution as a flux to help distribute the heat evenly, dusted with powdered niello, then heated. After cooling, the surface is scraped and shows a black pattern in the incised lines. The Egyptians are credited with originating niello decoration, which was practiced in classical times, spread throughout Europe during the middle ages, and came into high repute in the 15th century(Encyclopedia Britannica). Even though Egypt came up with the idea, you must note that it is native work, and not merely an imported article. (Web page, 7) The attitude of the figures and of the lions, and the form of the cat, are such as no Egyptian would have executed.(Web page, 7) After the plates were decorated, they used rivets rather than a soldering technique to put the parts together. They also used the technique of inlaying on the daggers when adding the gold portions. They would cut a narrow strip of gold from a thin sheet. Then they would make undercuts and dovetails wherever the gold would be going. After that they would then put the strip of gold over the undercuts, and use a hammer and a small wedge to bang the gold in. Decorations used on the daggers Daggers found in shaft graves during the bronze age :: essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The ornamental daggers of the late bronze age found in the shaft graves at Mycenae, that date between 1550, and 1500 B.C. were made by Cretans for the mainland market. Even though these daggers were made in Crete none have ever been found there. Some other places where similar daggers have been found are the island of Thera, Vapheio, Pylos, and the Argire Heraeum. This shows that there was trade among all of those places during the time period that the daggers were made. Most of the daggers were found in grave circle A at Mycenae. How they were made   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The men who made the daggers found in the shaft graves were very skilled craftsmen. They showed contrast of color and of relief with the decoration of their work. On both sides of the daggers was a slotted silver or gold plate which would be decorated before being put on. They would decorate the plates with gold, silver, copper, alloys, and another technique known as niello. Niello is a black metallic alloy of sulphur, copper, silver, and usually lead, used as an inlay on engraved metal. It is considered painting in metal. The metal surface is brushed with a borax solution as a flux to help distribute the heat evenly, dusted with powdered niello, then heated. After cooling, the surface is scraped and shows a black pattern in the incised lines. The Egyptians are credited with originating niello decoration, which was practiced in classical times, spread throughout Europe during the middle ages, and came into high repute in the 15th century(Encyclopedia Britannica). Even though Egypt came up with the idea, you must note that it is native work, and not merely an imported article. (Web page, 7) The attitude of the figures and of the lions, and the form of the cat, are such as no Egyptian would have executed.(Web page, 7) After the plates were decorated, they used rivets rather than a soldering technique to put the parts together. They also used the technique of inlaying on the daggers when adding the gold portions. They would cut a narrow strip of gold from a thin sheet. Then they would make undercuts and dovetails wherever the gold would be going. After that they would then put the strip of gold over the undercuts, and use a hammer and a small wedge to bang the gold in. Decorations used on the daggers

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Case Management Essay

Workflow, Business Process Management and the management of Unstructured Documents Plethora of unstructured documents such as text documents, spreadsheets, images, XML components, videos, podcasts, email messages that exists around in a large enterprise and it represents the enterprise’s information assets. The problem is that in today’s competitive environment there is an ever increasing generation and use of unstructured electronic documents. It has become highly imperative that there has to be an enterprise wide lifecycle management of these documents which can enable the workers to access the documents in a relative business context. Many product companies and experts dealing in the area of content management and business process management have proposed that a semantic relation is to be derived between documents and business domain. Thus, the semantic network that eventually gets formed will result in efficient search and filtering of these unstructured documents. Types of data: Structured and unstructured data People use and create unstructured data on daily basis. Although they may not be aware, people create, store, retrieve unstructured data in the form of emails, word documents, excel spreadsheets and other forms. The unstructured content has no data type as such so it requires human intervention to tag the data with some relevant keywords and meta tags so that it can be read by machines and applications. Structured data is also being used by people and such data is easily managed by technology being allowed for querying and reporting as the data type is predetermined and relationships are explicit. There are two categories of unstructured data: 1) Bitmap Objects: Images, videos, audio and other non-language based files 2) Textual Objects: Word documents, Spreadsheets, Emails and other written or printed language documents Most of these object types can’t be tapped easily to extract relevant information by technology or methodology as technology today can only address textual objects. With the advent of technologies like Enterprise Content Management (ECM), it has become possible to address unstructured data. Data mining and other analysis tools exist to query and analyze structured data. However, the challenge remains in bringing both the worlds of structured and unstructured data together. Once when they are brought together is when the most value can be derived and gained but this is where the highest level of challenge exists. Few challenges are listed below: 1) Irrespective of having the data in a word document format it may not be consumable from a semantic level perspective 2) A compatible technology may not be able to give insight in to the context of the information unless it is read 3) The way we interpret is largely subjective Organizational Challenges Today the organizations are inherently complex in structure and the departments are loosely connected while they work in isolation. They only come together when there is a need which leads to an internally disconnected approach. These large organizations need to be responsive to the customer and market needs. In order to be responsive they need to be agile and flexible when it comes to leveraging their matrix management structure as a whole. This can pose some long term as well as short term challenges. The path to overcome these challenges is to have follow business process which entail the entire organizations. In most organizations, wherever the business processes exist they tend to be isolated to a specific department and are usually manual. This leads to manifestation of various management and operational challenges. Some of the consequences that come up due to these challenges are listed below: 1) Due to inaccurate and untimely information generated as a result of isolated units of an organization, it becomes difficult for management and employees to take correct decisions 2) As information may not be aligned to business context or a business process it may lead to inconsistent decisions 3) Broken or incomplete workflows lead to generation of inconsistent and poor information 4) IT systems may act as inhibitors even if they support business processes when they lack system integration that would hide a single view of the information 5) Strict business rules, policies and procedures can lead to delay in fetching important information Organization and business process alignment These hurdles and challenges which the organization faces are due to factors such as inflexible procedures, legacy infrastructure, orthodox management which include: 1) Manual approach even when business processes and frameworks exist 2) IT enablers found in departments and functional silos making information sharing and gathering labour intensive and tedious 3) IT and other infrastructure is maintained centrally which may not provide quick solutions and service to meet the requirement of internal users 4) As organization is dependent on vendors or contractors for maintenance, support and development of IT and other infrastructure it raises issues of managing changes by themselves. Organizations need to orient themselves around process rather than functionally. They have the necessary infrastructure and technology in place but the challenge is to align all of it together using business processes. Aligning the organization to business processes and automating the same will help in solving decision making bottlenecks and will integrate functions, departments, core systems to deliver measurable business value. As of now most of the organizations, have IT infrastructure which comprise of applications that address each department separately. These departments may have business processes that cater to the purpose of the department specific function but this may lead to creation of unstructured and structured data in isolation from other departments defeating the purpose of one goal of the organization. Due to lack of integration between department’s applications and business processes it leads to creation of islands of redundant information for each department. Knowing that there is duplicate information across various applications residing in various departments there will be multiple points of integration which makes it even more complicated. There is a requirement of point to point integration to resolve this. This increases business risk, delivery costs and it becomes even more important to retain existing talent who can handle the data and information well. IT challenge On drilling down, the problem of not being able to use unstructured data along with structured data semantically whilst the data is specific to each department’s function and not business process of the organization is a challenge for the IT support department of organizations. Integration of silo applications and automated business processes across departments with respect to the overall business context pose many intricacies which makes it is a very challenging and a costly exercise for the IT function. Few of the reasons are listed below: 1) Laborious task to integrate a variety of business processes and applications 2) Changes in particular to each function may become difficult to replicate across the organization each time 3) Data across functions can’t be normalized due to existence of data in multiple format 4) Data inconsistencies due to unavailability of an information master leads to dependency on data stored on spreadsheets These kind of challenges have typically no end so a comprehensive solution has to be worked out which is robust and serves the goal of the organization by delivering value flawlessly. Workflow Model, Business Process Management (BPM) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) It is Workflow Automation and a Business Process Management System that will solve the business and technical problems that have been described in this paper so far. A workflow model is automation or a semi-automation of business processes. On the other hand Business Process Management is a method for managing the workflow model while continuously evaluating its performance and closing the feedback loop. Business processes form the nervous system of an organization or an enterprise. Business Process Management (BPM) is a discipline that empowers an organization to analyze, automate, re-design, streamline, monitor and improve business process while providing end to end visibility and control from technology to people. An organization has numerous business processes which take place every now and then. They may be simple or complex and may rely on unstructured data. For e. g. Banks have a business process to process the fresh loans application, local retailer has a business process to order new inventory and more. Business processes are the means which enable people, system and information to work simultaneously in order to meet organizations’ goals. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. Consider an example where in an insurance company the claim officials need digital photos to process a claim, customer representative need customer records and statements, accounts personnel need invoice approvals to disburse the required amount. To address such multi dimensional situation companies are resorting to capabilities of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) which is Business Process Management (BPM) to integrate, optimize, and automate processes and information. This solution enables organizations to make timely and accurate decisions. Together BPM and ECM businesses are able to deal with explosion of business related content which in turn helps them in becoming nimble and agile. Primarily, there are three changes that drive the need for businesses to become nimble and agile. They are: 1) Creation of islands of business relevant content internal and external to the organization 2) High maintenance cost of information created and stored by disparate sources 3) Incremental strain on IT to meet core business requirements while driving process innovation In response to these needs ECM and BPM enable organizations with the following: 1) Empower all employees to develop process centric solution 2) Quickly synchronize information from disparate internal as well external data sources 3) Couple processes and content to meet business requirements Businesses today need to use the content that is available across the business processes rather than letting it remain restricted under applications specific to a department or a function. Holistically, the content needs to be put to use for a greater benefit and a better ROI. Management of Unstructured Documents ECM has become one of the major software category post consolidation of various solutions like Document Management, Document Imaging, Web Content Management, Digital Asset Management while collaborating with BPM. It shouldn’t be treated as only a software category but can be primarily looked at as a strategy to manage all unstructured information – images, web content, media assets and records. Secondly, its job is to ensure that the content is put to use by the business users as per the business processes. The ECM solutions available today are built to support today’s dynamic requirements of the organization. They are scalable and high on performance when it comes to handling islands of new content and information with respect to complex business processes. Their design is such that they can integrate any kind of unstructured information with business processes and provide features such as process modelling, analytic capabilities, simulation and activity monitoring. They are also capable to handle process exceptions and can respond to demands for content from associates or customers. It is deduced that ECM as a technology and as a strategy enable information management professionals to manage the unstructured information in the organization to reduce risk, improve productivity in order to bring customer delight. Market Overview Organizations are increasingly adopting ECM to manage the increasing volume and growing diversity of unstructured content which now represents around 80% of the information residing in the enterprise. The opportunity identified is to devote similar rigor to unstructured data as being given to structured data. The market for ECM registered a double digit growth between the year 2004 to 2007 but it slowed down to single digit in 2008 primarily due to recessionary conditions. As per data gathered by Gartner, around $3. 3bn was collected as license and maintenance revenue for ECM. The ECM market has forecasted compounded annual growth rate of 9. 5% through till 2013. It is expected that the revenue generated from ECM markets worldwide would exceed $5. 1bn by 2013. The ECM market has seen major consolidation between the periods of 2003 to 2007. Large players such as IBM, Oracle, EMC have been acquiring companies to capitalize in this space. For example, EMC went on spree acquiring Legato, Document, Captiva and Document Sciences. Autonomy acquired Interwoven and Open Text purchased Vignette to become the largest independent vendors in this space competing directly with Microsoft’s Sharepoint. Market Drivers In spite of the recession which forced businesses to refrain from technology spending, the ECM market remained insulated from it for the following reasons: 1) Increase in volume and complexity of content is the reason for concern and investments in ECM henceforth 2) Pricing pressure from open-source vendors stimulating higher demand 3) It targets the overall ROI of the organization As there is a need to manage risks that come along with tonnes of paper and vast variety of digital content, a focus has been brought on governance and content rationalization. Vendors are addressing this by providing different stakeholders or customers with products that serve their purpose while keeping in mind the overall business processes of the organization. Recognizing this focus area many enterprises have become conscious about the lifecycle, access management, availability and cost of the content. There has been a slowdown in the ECM market due to the recessionary climate as it made the decision makers cautious about investments. In a research conducted by Gartner it was noticed that during this period companies have started looking for a thorough business case and ROI justifications for any kind of technology expenditure. However this could also turn out to be positive for the ECM market as these are the times when the organizations will realize the benefits of ECM solutions and frameworks. Conclusion Business Process Management and Workflow are not about moving documents across departments. It is about aligning businesses to their core processes and they provide the catalyst to exploit knowledge base to provide improved customer service. Thus, help in delivering measurable bottom line benefits in variety of business cases. List of References Toby Bell, Karen M. Shegda, Mark R. Gilbert, Kenneth Chin, Mick MacComascaigh. ( October, 2009), Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Content Management http://www. gartner. com/technology/media-products/reprints/microsoft/vol10/article3/article3.html, Gartner Hakan Akbas (August 2009), Consolidation in the Enterprise Content Management Industry – Who Will Be Next – Autonomy or Open Text? http://www. cmswire. com/cms/enterprise-cms/consolidation-in-the-enterprise-content-management-industry-who-will-be-next-autonomy-or-open-text-part-i-005174. php, Cmswire Icon Resources and technologies ( 2007), Document/Business Process Management http://www. iconresources. com/new/irt_bps. html Hinnerk Brugmann, ConSense: Management of unstructured Documents using semantic Meta-Information http://www.wi2. uni-erlangen. de/index. php? id=consense PNMSOFT, Sequence and Sharepoint, http://www. pnmsoft. com/sharepoint_workflow_integration. aspx PNMSOFT, SEQUENCE BPM & workflow software platform, http://www. pnmsoft. com/sequence_bpm_workflow. aspx Rivet Logic Corporation (October 2008), Enterprise Content Management 2. 0: The Case for an Open Source Approach http://viewer. bitpipe. com/viewer/viewDocument. do? accessId=12186060, Bitpipe Research Kyle McNabb (March 2008), Enterprise Content Management http://www., Forrester Research Ann All (March 2010), Case Management Is Step Forward in BPM Evolution , http://www. itbusinessedge. com/cm/community/features/interviews/blog/case-management-is-step-forward-in-bpm-evolution/? cs=39882&page=2 Strategy Partners (2003), Business Process Management and Workflow, http://www. aiim. org. uk/download_files/aiimuserguides/5_BPM_and_Workflow. pdf, AIIM International – ECM Association Barclay T. Blair (October 2004), An Enterprise Content Management Primer, The Information Management Journal

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hospitality Information Technology Strategy

1. Hotel utilise e- commerce very effectively for procurement purpose. They purchase essential products necessary for the daily running of the hotel via online websites. I would like consider Costa coffee Heathrow in my case study as I am working there presently and it is very much suitable for this case study. The website which Costa uses to purchase its essential products for daily running of the business are: * www. geometric-furniture. co. uk * www. kn-portal. com * www. caterwide. com * www. incorporatewear. com * www. coffeecreation. co. uk * www. bunzlcatering. o. uk Geometric furniture – Geometric Furniture is a design led manufacturer of high quality contract furniture. Established over 40 years ago, Geometric has become one of the UK’s leading contract furniture suppliers. It supplies to number of company like Odeon cinema, Costa Coffee, Oxo Tower, The Warehouse, Ronald Mc Donald house. The best thing about this company is that they deliver they service by the mselves, inform their client beforehand about its features. Delivered the product on time without fail and do understand the important of deadline and reliability.Kuehne + Nagel – has got a new contract to manage the distribution of food supply on behalf of Whitbread plc, which is the UK’s largest hotel and restaurant group. Costa has taken the decision to fully outsource its food logistics activities to Kuehne + Nagel because they agreed to undertake delivery of chilled and ambient products to over 700 Costa Coffee outlets seven days per week, and delivery of frozen, chilled and ambient products. The contract is for 5 years and in addition with that Kuehne + Nagel will operate a customer call centre on behalf of Whitbread and manage the ordering of products from designated suppliers.Caterwide – As one of the UK's largest and fastest growing coffee shop brands, Costa Coffee has been using Torex Inn Touch POS and Caterwide for the past ten years to drive strategi c initiatives around cash management, suggested ordering, stock control, labour management and reporting and business processes. One of the key advantages of the Torex solution is that it integrates with Costa Coffee's loyalty programme, the Costa Coffee Club, whereby customers can collect points when they buy food and drink which can be redeemed against future purchases.Incorporatewear – Incorporatewear, the UK’s premier corporate clothing provider, has been percolating a piece of new business over the past 12 months and is now delighted to pour out the details of its recently signed contract to supply Costa Coffee. Incorporatewear only work with the highest quality materials and the Costa range is no different with shirts and aprons being manufactured from premium poly/cotton fabrics and provides the uniforms for 16,000 Baristas and staff. There are two companies of Whitbread plc which are under the umbrella of incorporatewear that Costa coffee and premier inn.The be nefits of it are, advanced call centre telephone system, dedicated client contact number, instant query resolution, experienced team. Bunzl catering supply – is the upcoming leading distributor of non- food consumable to hospitality and catering sector in the UK, it got 10 branches all over the UK provide a responsive and a flexible local service. at each branch they got dedicated customer service team which has good understanding of local business need and provide outstanding customer care from points of order through delivery.We can place order through telephone, fax, email and online as well which include an image catalogue, fast orders, regular buys, and saved basket. when the order has been placed the following information is readily available to them: full customer details including delivery address previous purchase history authorised product list real time stock availability pack sizes and product descriptions Coffee creation (prima coffee service ltd) – has be en supplying high quality coffee product from more than 12 years with a passion for quality and attention to details.It’s very easy to place an order with coffee creation; it takes you through each step, finding the item you would like to buy, add the item to your shopping basket, proceeding to checkout, sigh in, enter your details, check and submit your order, provide payment information, get email as the confirmation, tracking down the order. Sometimes they send product for sampling if requested and the customer of coffee creation are cafe Nero, Costa coffee, coffee republic. 2. Critically evaluate your organisation’s website. Discuss its strong and weak points. How user friendly is it?Is it functionality adequate? Put yourself In place of someone who is unfamiliar with the organization. Does it enhance the reputation and encourage further contact? Webpage are the most inexpensive and the most effective way to promote any business especially in coffee shops people ar e looking for new shops in their neighbourhood and while travelling often start their search on internet. More than half of the marketing job is done if completely describing your cafe on webpage. The website of Costa coffee is quite eye appealing and attractive to customers.It matches the same colours and fonts on their web site as they do in their cafe. By using just the 2,3 colours, consistent fonts and easy navigation it stimulates the cafe itself. Some basic thing which a webpage must have it are, location, opening hours, photo gallery, about the business, menu, and press release. Out of all this Costa coffee explains its business, update press release, latest picture of the product, location of all the stores with opening and closing hours, address 5. What is social media? Identify three different types of social media how they can be of benefit for hotel industry.Social Media is the use of internet-based programs to make interaction with friends, family, classmates, customers and clients. It can be done for social purposes, business purposes or both. The appropriate way to define social media is to split it into two parts, social and media. Media is a tool of communication, like a newspaper or a radio, so social media would be a social tool of communication. This social tool of communication doesn’t just give the information but interact with you while giving that information.Interaction may be like asking you for to comment in any particular thing, or letting you vote on any article or asking you to rate any movie etc. Social media is a new form of interacting people that allows anyone to become a source of information through new technologies that doesn’t need any previous experience. It also allows the audience to be the author and author to be the audience. Anyone can experience the interaction for free as long as they have internet connection. The popular site of social media includes Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Flickr and many others .These sites all allow users to post information that can then be commented on, followed or enjoyed by larger social groups and peers. Many Hotels are investing on its use to target market demographic groups or to break through to new potential customers. Now Days mostly all the hotel have Facebook pages and are adding facebookers as friends in an effort to attract new customers and build brand loyalty. There are restaurants that are tweeting out daily specials and/or coupons to give as a gift to their followers.Facebook- one of the most popular of social networking sites which allows users to sign up and add friends and social groups, post information, comment on that information, post photos and become fans of various items or company or group. Hotels create their facebook page to add their customer, to target new market, they post photos of the some special event occurred in hotel and tag their friends (customer), by tagging photo a friend of friends, who is known to the hotel ca n get to know about the hotel and his or her friend whereabouts.Through this hotel make new customer with the help of Facebook. Example – some Marriott hotels use their Facebook pages to communicate with guests about local and hotel events. (USA Today) Twitter: This is a free social networking and micro blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers. Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. Elmore 2010) Twitter also allows hotel employees to start conversations with guests; even a tweet as simple as â€Å"Hope you're enjoying your stay! † which give a personalized touch that some guests really appreciate that. Hyatt and Hilton hotels are using Twitter as a virtual concierge service to which guests can â€Å"tweetâ₠¬  queries and expect responses within the hour. (USA Today) Youtube : A very popular and free video-sharing  Web site  that allows registered users to upload and share their video clips online at the YouTube. om Web site. To view the videos you are not required to register but to upload the video you need to register with your email accounts. It allows billions of people to browse, watch and share originally-created videos. It creates a group of people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform. The Marriot Resort & Stellaris Casino in Puerto Rico uses YouTube to let guests record a 30-second video postcard to send to friends and family through the resort’s YouTube channel.A hotel can use the youtube to promote their own website by sharing and uploading videos of own hotel. 6. What is cloud Computing and explain how it can be used for the hospitality industry? The service provided on internet with the use of computing res ources (hardware and software) are called as cloud computing. All data that is being accessed are usually saved in servers, which are in accessible by any unauthorized user. This allows enterprise to maintain faster service and less maintenance from IT.Technology has advanced rapidly in the last couple of years that now it is possible for almost any device to quickly connect with a cloud service and access the information required. The â€Å"cloud computing† concept minimizes the upfront cost of infrastructure and allows the enterprise focus on project, which will differentiate the business itself rather than the infrastructure which will be avoided. Many author have made the attempt to describe it, Buyya et al. efined it as a â€Å"cloud is a parallel and distributed computing system consisting of a collection of inter-connected and virtualised computer that are dynamically provisioned and presented as one or more unified computing resources based on a service level agreeme nts established through negotiation between the service provider and consumer. † The key characteristic of cloud computing are: (1) illusion of non ending computing resources, (2) with the use cloud computers up- front commitment is eliminated, (3) ability to pay for use as needed, (4) self service interface and (5) resources that are virtualised.The concept of Cloud computing had benefited the hospitality industry in many ways, such as: A hotel can eliminate the large upfront costs from acquiring computational assets and the typical time delay in building out and developing computer software app. By eliminating upfront cost hotel can save its precious capital to take future business decisions. It allows user to access system through web browser from anywhere at any time, user can access through any device, like pc, laptops, mobile etc. with the use of internet.It improve the business performance and the service delivery, the maintenance cost of cloud computing is very low. So me other benefits which a hotel can get from cloud computing includes low upfront costs, minimal IT infrastructures and easy access across multiple properties. Cloud has a pay-as-you-go service requires minimal investment and offers better technology at a lower cost. 1. Social media 2. 0 Successful social media programs that have value meld top technology and sales best practices By Gina LaVecchia Ragone 2. Social Media & the Hospitality Industry by Forest Time, Demand Media . M. Miller, Cloud Computing: Web-based applications that change the way you work and collaborate online, Que, 2008. 4. R. Buyya, C. S. Yeo, and S Venugopal, Market-oriented cloud computing: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering IT services as computing utilities, in Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2008, IEEE CS Press, Los Alamitos, CA, USA), Dalian, China, September 2527, 2008. 5. Khan, K. M. , & Malluhi, Q. (2010). Establishing tru st in cloud computing. IT Professional Magazine, 12(5), 20-27.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

shanghai flowers essays

shanghai flowers essays Q1. There is a clear contradiction between the beauty and elegance of Shanghai society and culture on the turn of the 19th/20th centuries and the sordid, sometimes despairing lives of the characters as they depicted in Flowers of Shanghai. Discuss the visual style of the film, and attempt to explain a rationale for this apparent contradiction, and/or point out ways in which there is, indeed an organic correspondence, e.g., through a theme of entrapment. The impressive visual style of the Flowers of Shanghai is as elegant as the flower girls beautiful appearance, while its atmosphere is as claustrophobic as their entrapment. Set entirely inside the elegant flowerhouses, spectators have no choice but to follow the lives of the flower girls, who go out, if at all, only with their clients. The deprivation of lighting further intensified the sense of claustrophobia. Most of the scenes were shot during nighttimes, when a few table gaslights dimly light up the flower girls figures and their delicately decorated rooms. There are only three noticeable daytime scenes: one is when Emerald is about to buy herself freedom; the other two scenes are about arranging marriages, which result from the two most violent scenes in the film (the outrage of Master Wang and the love suicide Jade attempted to commit), and follow by a devoice (between Wang and Jasmine) and a questionable future (of Jades marriage). Windows are a more decorative metaphor than the source of lighting. The cold blue and green lights can hardly penetrate the windows; instead, the lights stay on the glass and contrast with the overwhelming warm and rich red and yellow colours inside, hinting the contradiction between the glamour of the interior and the harsh reality of the outside world. Moreover, the delicate Chinaware found in every flower girls jewellike, bewitching chamber, such as the one Jade is sitting on when she feeds Master Zhu opium, is a me...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Monoethylene Glycol Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends And Forecast, 2013 2019 Essays

Monoethylene Glycol Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends And Forecast, 2013 2019 Essays Monoethylene Glycol Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends And Forecast, 2013 2019 Essay Monoethylene Glycol Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends And Forecast, 2013 2019 Essay Monoethylene Glycol Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends And Forecast, 2013 2019 Monoethylene glycol is commonly referred as ethylene glycon or MEG and is a colorless odorless liquid. It accounts for the largest share by volume demand among all ethylene glycol. It is hygroscopic and miscible in water in different proportions. The flash point of the liquid is at 111Â °C, while its boiling point and freezing points are 197Â °C and -13Â °C, respectively. Ethylene glycol is manufactured from ethylene through ethylene oxide which is the intermediate. Ethylene oxide reacts with water to obtain ethylene glycol. It is generally available in different grades such as polyester grade, high purity grade, antifreeze grade and industrial grade.Visit Complete Report Here: Monoethylene glycol is an orga nic compound which has wide applications. The chemical is used as a raw material in the production of polyester fibers. It is also used in the production of polyethylene terephthalate resins, which is used in the bottling industry. It is used as a dewatering agent in the natural gas industry in order to eliminate water vapor from natural gas before further processing. Apart from these, it is used in anti freeze and coolant materials, as a heat transfer fluid and as chemical intermediates. It is also used as a humecant in the manufacturing of textile fibers, glues, adhesives, leather, and paper. In the deep sea, pipes carrying natural gas are exposed to extreme cold temperature and a possibility of salt water corrosion. Monoethylene glycol is introduced in the pipe lines so that it acts as an anti-freeze and anti-corrosion agent. Apart from these mainstream applications of monoethylene glycol, the chemical has several niche uses such as in the production of tobacco and tobacco produc ts including

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Pro Tips From Successful Writers! Good Work Habits Make All the Difference

Pro Tips From Successful Writers! Good Work Habits Make All the Difference Pro Tips From Successful Writers! Good Work Habits Make All the Difference   Many people assume that good writers are born that way. A modicum of natural talent is certainly helpful; however, when it comes to long-term writing success, good work habits make all the difference. How many gifted writers are there with half-finished work on their hard drives? The completion of a well-written project requires solid work habits, discipline, and self-knowledge. Luckily, these are not traits; they are skills that can be learned! These pro tips from successful writers will help you see your work through from start to finish. Getting Ready to Write Sometimes, just sitting down to work is the biggest obstacle! Whether it’s challenging yourself with a deadline, setting aside time for writing, or avoiding distractions, writers need to engage self-discipline to create the opportunity to be creative. Deadlines Are Your Friends Deadlines can be a blessing in disguise. They propel you through the more difficult stages of your process, helping that end goal to stay within view. Self-motivated projects are understandably challenging to complete- so create deadlines for yourself. Essay contests and job applications can help provide motivating deadlines for a writer. While some creative writers may find adrenaline to be a helpful motivational tool, with academic or business writing, it is more likely to result in sloppy work. Your arguments will be stronger and your vocabulary richer if you avoid the stress of a rapidly approaching end-date. By getting a head start, you won’t short change the vital editing process, and you won’t be thrown off course if setbacks occur. Limit Distractions Short story writer Nathan Englander advises, â€Å"If you want to get work done, you’ve got to learn to unplug.† When you hit roadblocks in your work, it can feel like a relief to distract yourself by messaging a friend. However, studies prove that productivity skyrockets when personal phones are kept out of sight, or at least switched to â€Å"airplane mode.† For many writers, working at home is the easiest way to avoid noise and distractions. However, if you have children or pets, messy areas might become an additional distraction (and a temptation to procrastinate). It can be hard to focus when surrounded by piles of dirty laundry. Use Your Most Productive Hours The best time to write varies from writer to writer. Often, finding your ideal writing window will depend on how you work best. If you require silence to focus, early morning is a great choice (before anyone has the chance to distract you). Writers Toni Morrison, Ernest Hemingway, and Haruki Murakami famously preferred the early hours for their efforts. One advantage of morning writing is a sense of accomplishment that can carry you throughout the day. You’ve made progress; now you can relax without writing looming all afternoon. Use the time for editing, administrative tasks, or research, and focus on writing during your most fruitful hours. Create Your Optimal Environment Not every writer prefers absolute silence or solitude. The presence of others can also be inspiring and comforting. This helps explain the rise in popularity of co-working spaces, which are popping up all over campuses and urban centers. The library can also be a pleasant respite from the busy atmosphere of a coffee shop. Regardless of where you work, noise-cancelling earphones can help shut out the chatter. Just be sure to pick music that inspires you! Up-tempo instrumental music can keep you from succumbing to boredom and fatigue. Finally: Forget The Rules! It can be challenging to stick to a regular writing routine with the stresses of our daily lives. It’s important not to fret over less-than-ideal circumstances if you can’t change them. As E.B. White put it, â€Å"A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper.† It’s also helpful to remember that even the best writers don’t always feel like sitting down to work. As Henry Miller once said, â€Å"write according to program and not according to mood.† Now That You’ve Started Congratulations: you’re off! These simple techniques will help you stay focused while improving your results. Set Short-Term Goals Short-term goalposts can help you drive towards the finish line. You choose the writing interval, which may vary from project to project. When writing a thesis, for example, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by such a seemingly monumental task. However, when you break that task up into manageable increments, anything is possible! Just take it one step at a time. Whether it’s a half hour or an hour, all you need to worry about it keeping your head down until the buzzer sounds. Be wary of using your phone as a timer, since this may tempt you to use it as a distraction. Leave Yourself Somewhere to Start If you don’t know where to start the next day, sitting down to write can seem impossibly daunting. One oft-repeated piece of advice is to stop writing for the day (or the session) in the middle of a sentence or paragraph. If you provide yourself with a launching pad, you’ll start work focused and inspired, and you’ll get the satisfaction of â€Å"finishing† something early in the session. If you’re working from an outline, know exactly where you’ll begin the next day before signing off, to fend off that dreaded fear of the blank page. Move Your Body Sometimes, when a section is particularly frustrating, a walk or jog can be just what you need. Exercise can clear your head and get you back on track, refreshed. It’s hard sitting at a desk for hours on end! If you’ve set your timer and worked for your allotted time, use your break period to get moving. A walk around the block, a dip in the pool, or a few jumping jacks can be enough to get you energized. Kurt Vonnegut once reported that he broke up his writing with push-ups and sit-ups to fend off lethargy. Editing And Rewriting This can sometimes seem like the toughest part of writing, but it is one of the most critical steps for doing good work. Neil Gaiman described revision as â€Å"a process of making it look like you knew what you were doing all along.† Get Feedback Go to one or two trusted friends, but don’t go to ten. The further along you are in your career, the more likely you are to have respectful, trusting relationships with other writers. Don’t be afraid to reach out, but avoid the temptation to ask everyone for their â€Å"take† on your work. Too many opinions can be counter-productive, particularly if the views are from individuals with a limited understanding of your topic. If you don’t have anyone you feel comfortable showing your work, or if you’re pressed for time, consulting a professional writing service can be invaluable. Know When To Delete Editing the same passages repeatedly can be time-consuming and frustrating. If your wording isn’t creating the desired effect, or if you’re finding it too difficult to make a succinct point, radical surgery may be required. Delete the problematic passage and start over. If it doesn’t work, you can always revert to an earlier version history; but often the solution will become apparent to you once you have a clean slate. Knowing When To Walk Away Remember: your work will never be perfect. Be satisfied knowing that you did the best you could. If you set yourself up for success with your writing habits, you can avoid fretting over sections that might have improved with more time. No writer has all the time they want, and we do the best with what we have. While you may eventually look back on your work and notice small errors that you missed, that’s simply the nature of the process. Whether you’re writing a thesis, a research paper or a college admissions essay, know that writers all over the world struggle with the same issues you do. While there’s no â€Å"easy† way to write, establishing good writing habits will set you apart from the crowd. For expert editing and writing services, call 1 (800) 573-0840 (toll-free) to speak with a professional paper writer. With offices in Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver, can help make sure great habits result in great writing.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How the New Deal altered the role of the national government Essay

How the New Deal altered the role of the national government - Essay Example Majority of its legislation followed these purposes (Bryant). The New Deal changed the role of the national government, by expanding the power of the Federal Government and making it more responsible for the general welfare of the states. Since the U.S. became â€Å"united,† states enjoyed latitude in making laws and programs for their specific state needs and concerns. The Great Depression showed, however, that each state, or more so, a few ones, can generally impact the whole nation’s economic conditions. As a result, Roosevelt and his allies are convinced that they must change the national government from being a passive parent to a more aggressive parent handling the economy as a whole. After all, the Constitution states that the federal government has the power to regulate commerce between states and international trade and that it is authorized to generate laws that support the Constitution. Though the New Deal has been criticized as unconstitutional, it proved to greatly enhance the powers of the national government. During the New Deal of the Roosevelt administration, from 1933 to early 1935, the main goals were recovery and relief. The president and his advisers stressed the importance of the national government in creating laws that will stimulate the economy and provide new jobs. Roosevelt expressed to the American public about the alliances among â€Å"business and banking, agriculture and industry, and labor and capital,† in order to enlist them to the causes of the government (Bryant). On March 5, the president closed all the banks and called it a â€Å"bank holiday.† He influenced the Congress to pass a bill that helped the banks. That bill became law a few days later and the President asked the people to trust banks again and deposit their money once more into them. The banks reopened on Monday March 13th and Americans deposited their money again and the total effect was that they

Friday, October 18, 2019

Public Policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Public Policy - Research Paper Example This feeling is induced by the primary chemical agent of this drug, which is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) considers marijuana to be â€Å"a leading drug threat to the country.† However, U.S. law enforcement authorities generally regard marijuana as a lower threat than cocaine and diverted pharmaceuticals because it has least association with violent crime and property crime. Marijuana is the most readily available and widely used and abused illicit drug in the nation. Owing to its high prevalence, marijuana use has found acceptance among several adults and adolescents and a perception prevails that the drug is not harmful. Over the last few years, a tremendous growth has been witnessed in the usage, distribution and selling of marijuana in different regions of US. Usage of marijuana entails certain side effects. According to researchers, it causes problems in daily life and its us age can worsen a person's existing problems. In addition to that, declining mental and physical health, relationship problems, lower life satisfactions, less academic and career success have been reported, by heavy users of marijuana, as potential side effects. Furthermore it has also been reported that, students among marijuana users are more likely to drop out from school. In the field of work, frequently marijuana usage has been associated with side effects such as accidents, workers' compensation claims, increased absences, tardiness and low job turnover. (Drug abuse, 2012a). However, despite the illicit usage and trafficking of marijuana and the potential risks of consumption, efforts are being made to legalize the drug (White house, 2010). This has been a major public policy issue in the recent past and is a source of continuous debates taking place in the assembly. This research paper will involve a thorough analysis of the scope of this public policy concern and how it affects the public as well as the government. The p roposed policies for addressing this issue will also be discussed and suitable recommendations will be made accordingly. Scope of the public policy concern In the recent times, marijuana legalization has been the pivotal issue being discussed in the â€Å"We the People† petition site launched by White House. This website was launched with a view of providing the US citizens with a means to lobby for relevant issues. The marijuana petition has recorded more than 55,000 signatures, an astounding 20,000 more than any other issue on the website, which demonstrates the importance of the issue. Despite the relative importance of the issue, the government has refrained from responding to the marijuana petition. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) conducted in the year 2010, marijuana is the most heavily used illicit drug (17.4 million past-month users). In that particular year, 76.8 percent of current illicit drug users accounted for the usage of. Out of that, 60.1 percent users only smoked marijuana and no other drug (Ali, 2011). Adolescents and young adults are the most frequent users of marijuana. As far as 8th-graders

Module 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Module 6 - Essay Example Having built their reputation, Disney expected that it can easily penetrate the European market. Although there were other theme parks in Europe, the company’s reputation makes customer’s lack close substitutes. As matter of fact, Disney entrance in France, not only deployed the monopolistic advantages that existing companies but also increased competition in the region hence improving quality. Tourism industry in USA is always negatively impacted by the strengthening of the dollar. Reduction in number of tourist reduces Disney’s revenue significantly. To counter this, Disney opted to enter the European market. Research has shown that the euro and dollar strengths counter each other hence Disney can still capture their customers during dollar peaks. In a nutshell, Disney aimed at capturing tourists who are not willing to visit USA. Another motivating factor might be reduced costs of production. Although the cost French labor may not differ to US labor, capital is relatively cheaper. Moreover, France ought to be the best European country of their choice due to the availability of government subsidies on land. In accordance with the above, it can be concluded that Disney’s choice of France as an expansionary strategy increased its sales as well as customer base. However, Disney maintained its reputation by equally treating the new parks and not jesting on quality deliverance and customer satisfaction. In an effort to reduce US imports from japan, the US government threatened to impose a quota. The aim was to discourage Japanese from exporting to US and in response invest directly into the US economy, inform of FDI. In contrary, japan decided to withdraw their imports instead, hence making the US economy suffer. By 1981, there was great demand for cars in US. For that reason demand exceeded supply hence need

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Marketing strategy assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing strategy assignment - Essay Example Without the accurate market information, introduction of a new product is likely to fail. This step ensures that the company confirms the actual state of the consumer market (Ferrell, 2012). It actualizes what the market really needs, the features desired, pricing, motivation to buy and distribution channels. These are important aspects in the decision making process. The research conducted on the market revealed that the market was eagerly waiting for the introduction of the new product mainly to be used in social places such as bars, restaurants and offices. Timing This is the second stage in the marketing process that ensures all elements in the marketing process are integrated. The production of the new product should be complete before it is a launched to avoid loss of sales and credibility in the product (Ferrell, 2012). There have been numerous cases in history where the marketing of a new product has failed owing to the fact that the product manufacturing lags behind the laun ch of the new product. This explains the reason why the company was not willing to take chances with the manufacture of the Toeopener that is why a number of units were produced before the product was launched. Capacity The company should ensure that it has the required resources in terms of inputs and personnel to keep up with the manufacturing process if the introduction of the Toeopener is successful. Testing The new product has to be tested in the market to ensure that its features are in line with the customers’ need (Ferrell, 2012). This is establishes whether the customers are willing and able to pay the set price. Additionally, it ensures that the distributors are comfortable to sell and market the product. Distribution The company... The company decided to come with a clear marketing process to ensure successful sales for the new product in the Canadian market. To begin with, there are various reasons why the introduction of a new product in the market.Marketing research is the first step in the introduction of a new product. Without the accurate market information, introduction of a new product is likely to fail. This step ensures that the company confirms the actual state of the consumer market.The new product in the market mainly targeted to be used in social places with frequent activity and a high number of visitors. The first segment that is targeted by the introduction of the product is homeowners who would like to have an easier time while opening doors in their homes. However, this may be the smallest segment, as most homeowners prefer opening and closing their doors normally. Bars are the second segment in the consumer market. This is because bars have high numbers of clients and the Toeopener makes ope ning the door efficient and easier for them. The third segment is the restaurant owners who find the device highly convenient since they also have a high number of clients. The Toeopener also minimizes the spread of germs across surfaces in the restaurants since no one gets to handle the doorknob or handle using their hands. The final segment of clients is offices that have a high number of visitors and a high level of activity. It is much easier for the workers to open the door while carrying a pile of files.

Week 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Week 2 - Essay Example I will also look for conflicts of interest within the article to ascertain its relevance to the topic. The above questions will help in critically appraising an article and give me enough evidence to judge whether the articles are fit to be used on the topic (Fineout-Overholt, Melnyk, Stillwell, & Williamson, 2010). There was a clear explanation of the study. The study was done to determine the relationship between the levels of education of nurses, years of work experience and medication errors to guide in the development of methods to reduce the errors. The sample size of the study was 47 BSN registered nurses. There were enough people in the study to establish that the findings were valid. In fact, the results of the study are linked to the surveys that were completed by the 47 participants two of which were discarded because of a lack of inclusion criteria. This research is important for clinical practice because it shows that the level of education and experience affects clinical practice, in this instance, nursing practice (Bailey, Engel, Luescher, & Taylor, 2008). Child abuse and maltreatment is not limited to a particular age and can occur in the infant, toddler, preschool and school age years. In the school-age year’s stage, the types of abuses that such children could face include sexual abuse, physical abuse, such as excessive punishment and emotional abuse, such as child neglect through isolation. The warning signs for child abuse in this age group will include withdrawal, extreme fear and anxiety, lack of concentration, lack of interest, sleeping in class, extreme hunger, malnourishment and physical wounds (Fang, Brown, Florence, & Mercy, 2012). Cultural variations of health practices that can be misidentified as child abuse exist. For instance, in certain cultures, children above 5 years can help in work duties especially if they are boys. In other cultures for instance

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Marketing strategy assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing strategy assignment - Essay Example Without the accurate market information, introduction of a new product is likely to fail. This step ensures that the company confirms the actual state of the consumer market (Ferrell, 2012). It actualizes what the market really needs, the features desired, pricing, motivation to buy and distribution channels. These are important aspects in the decision making process. The research conducted on the market revealed that the market was eagerly waiting for the introduction of the new product mainly to be used in social places such as bars, restaurants and offices. Timing This is the second stage in the marketing process that ensures all elements in the marketing process are integrated. The production of the new product should be complete before it is a launched to avoid loss of sales and credibility in the product (Ferrell, 2012). There have been numerous cases in history where the marketing of a new product has failed owing to the fact that the product manufacturing lags behind the laun ch of the new product. This explains the reason why the company was not willing to take chances with the manufacture of the Toeopener that is why a number of units were produced before the product was launched. Capacity The company should ensure that it has the required resources in terms of inputs and personnel to keep up with the manufacturing process if the introduction of the Toeopener is successful. Testing The new product has to be tested in the market to ensure that its features are in line with the customers’ need (Ferrell, 2012). This is establishes whether the customers are willing and able to pay the set price. Additionally, it ensures that the distributors are comfortable to sell and market the product. Distribution The company... The company decided to come with a clear marketing process to ensure successful sales for the new product in the Canadian market. To begin with, there are various reasons why the introduction of a new product in the market.Marketing research is the first step in the introduction of a new product. Without the accurate market information, introduction of a new product is likely to fail. This step ensures that the company confirms the actual state of the consumer market.The new product in the market mainly targeted to be used in social places with frequent activity and a high number of visitors. The first segment that is targeted by the introduction of the product is homeowners who would like to have an easier time while opening doors in their homes. However, this may be the smallest segment, as most homeowners prefer opening and closing their doors normally. Bars are the second segment in the consumer market. This is because bars have high numbers of clients and the Toeopener makes ope ning the door efficient and easier for them. The third segment is the restaurant owners who find the device highly convenient since they also have a high number of clients. The Toeopener also minimizes the spread of germs across surfaces in the restaurants since no one gets to handle the doorknob or handle using their hands. The final segment of clients is offices that have a high number of visitors and a high level of activity. It is much easier for the workers to open the door while carrying a pile of files.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Final Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Final Exam - Assignment Example A very good example of technological advancement is mobile phone. The type of mobile phone which we had in earlier times no longer exists now. There is a change in the demand of mobile phone users. This has resulted in the advancement of mobile phone technologies. The users of mobile phones demand functionality and simplicity. This has forced the manufacturers of mobile phone to develop smart phones which are computer minded, easily usable, having more functionality as compared to the mobile phones of past. Further, technological advancements have helped organizations and businesses to save cost of production and time which is an advantage to small business and have managed to use these advancements for gaining competitive advantage. A very good example is 3G/ 4G broadband. The advantage of this super fast internet has been taken by small business to reach the target market with lower cost of operation. However, there has been both positive and negative effect of technological advanc ement. ... Further, it has also increased the health risks as the technological users do less exercise. In the perspective of education, students are more dependent on computers and calculators for solving simple equations. They cannot train their brains for solving a simple task for which they become lame in class. A few technological advancements have changed the human lives in the following manner: Technological advancement has contributed a lot in health care and medicine. This has helped to save the lives of many innocent people. Further, it has improved health sciences and human medicine. The medical students and doctors use medical technological tools for carrying out extensive research on the challenges and problems related to human health. This extensive research has led to the development of treatments and new drugs which help to cure the challenging human diseases and saving the lives of many people and prolonging the lifespan of human being. For example: a smart phone ultrasound whi ch was provided by Microsoft can be used for integrating a USB based ultrasound probe with a Smart phone. This can be used to create a ultrasound device which is simple hand sized for enabling the doctors to image the bladder, liver, veins, eyes, arteries and kidney of a patient in remote areas which can detect any infection easily. This device can be used in many developing countries for saving the life of people. This mobile ultra sound can be used by the doctors without boundaries for helping the patients in remote areas. Certain other technologies in health care include use of nano-composite contact lenses for treating diabetes patients. Neuro-prosthetic chips are used for controlling artificial

Monday, October 14, 2019

Monroe Doctrine Essay Example for Free

Monroe Doctrine Essay Ever since its inception as a nation, the United States of America followed a foreign policy of isolationism right up to president Jefferson. This was become the European nations, which were at the helm of American affairs, were involved in several conflicts and turmoil, and American presidents realized the folly of involving such a young nation in war. Thus in 1793, when France declared war on Britain, Americans had divided opinions on the course of action. The federalists wanted to support Britain, and Hamilton, the secretary of treasury, rallied their cause. Secretary of state, who like many other Americans wanted to support France against Britain. However George Washington stuck by his policy of isolationism and avoided conflict. John Adams, and his successor Thomas Jefferson also adapted this policy. When this conflict between Britain and France increased, Jefferson placed an embargo on trade with both nations. While this action highlighted American neutrality, it was also harmful for the American economy, which led to the removal of the embargo. This step highlighted the folly of the policy of isolationism; making it obvious that United States had to make a stand, while continuing its policy of neutrality, not simply isolate itself from world affairs. Hence was a predecessor to the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine was the fruition of early American foreign policy. It was delivered by president James Monroe, in his seventh annual address to the Congress on the 2nd of December 1823. It stated that United states would not tolerate any attempt by the European powers to colonize or interfere in the functioning of the western hemisphere, whilst the western hemisphere would in no way interfere in the European sphere of influence. It was meant to protect the newly independent Latin American states from European control. It was a defining moment in the separation of the old and new world, and became a long-standing American policy with minor variations, to be invoked by several American presidents. The Monroe doctrine, was delivered, and not read out in the congress unlike the other addresses. In this address Monroe gave the background for such a policy and the existing state of foreign relations, in which he mentioned negotiations with France, and dialogue with Russia on their commercial interests in the United States. He also talked about the Treaty of Ghent and the difference between US and Britain on the boundaries between the US and Canada. The president also announced to Congress a new round of negotiations with the British toward establishing a treaty that would define the exclusive and shared commercial interests of the United States and Great Britain as regarded states and territories bordering on lakes and rivers emptying into the St. Lawrence River. Thus he justified the need for such a policy and in his address included military strategies and provisions to safeguard it, like authorizing additional naval force for safeguarding their commercial interests in the Mediterranean Sea, Pacific Ocean, and the Atlantic coast. The key paragraph of the address, which summed up the foreign policy stated â€Å"We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and those powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we have not interfered and shall not interfere, but with the Governments who have declared their independence and maintained it, and whose independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any inter- position for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any European power in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States†. The Monroe doctrine had its backgrounds in the foreign policy of earlier four presidents, as well as in the experiences of Monroe and Adams as diplomats. James Madison, during his presidency, continued to follow Jeffersonian foreign policy of prohibition of trade with both nations. In 1810, however, the Congress reversed itself, realizing its ill effects on the country’s economy authorizing the president to pursue trade with both countries, provided each accepted America’s policy of neutrality, or trade with only one, if that one accepted America’s view of neutral rights. Of the two, only France complied, hence Madison declared a state of â€Å"non-intercourse† with Great Britain. This led to the war of 1812 between America and Great Britain. The war, which initially proved to be disastrous for America, ended with the treaty of Ghent in 1814, and thus paved way for Monroe’s foreign policy to avoid future war, while protecting American rights. Monroe, who was inspired by Jefferson, and loyal to Jeffersonian policy, saw the need to avoid war, at the same time asserting America’s independence. John Quincy Adams, unlike his father deflected from the Federalist Party, and supported Jefferson in his placement of the embargo on trade with both nations. Thus both Adams and Monroe were inspired by Jeffersonian ideas, and saw the crucial need of making a stand as a newly independent nation, while avoiding the calamity of war. Monroe and Adams were faced with several problems regarding foreign policy, the foremost of which included renegotiating terms with Great Britain, on the treaty of Ghent and establishing new boundaries, reasserting rights that had been previously challenged. Later there arose a problem of Spanish claim over Florida, and Britain, it was suspected, was providing them help. This led to serious and long negotiations between America and Spain for the purchase of Florida, which ultimately led to the Adams- Onis treaty, Onis being the Spanish minister to America. This was considered one of Adams greatest successes as secretary of state, until he drafted the Monroe Doctrine, which influenced American foreign policy for generations to come. The doctrine grew out of several diplomatic problems. The first was the minor clash with Russia concerning the northwest coast of North America. In this quarrel, Secretary of State John Quincy Adams expressed the principle that the American continents were no longer to be considered as a field for colonization by European powers. That principle was incorporated verbatim in the presidential message. The other and more important part of the doctrine grew out of the fear that the group of European governments commonly called the Holy Alliance would seek to reduce the Latin American states that had recently gained independence from Spain to a colonial status once again. When France crossed the Pyrenees to help put down a rebellion against the Spanish monarch, Britain worried that this might lead to a joint French-Spanish expedition to retake the Latin American colonies for Spain, which would harm British economic interests in the area. The British foreign minister George Canning communicated with the American minister in London, Richard Rush, and suggested that a joint declaration opposing such a development would serve both their interests. Thus in 1823, the British foreign secretary, George Canning, through Richard Rush, proposed to Monroe that America should join powers with Britain for the joint protection of South American colonies from the Holy Alliance. There was once again a division of views on this matter. Adams believed that Britain had great self-interest behind such an offer. When Monroe consulted with Jefferson and Madison on this issue, Jefferson asked him to accept the proposal, however Madison, like Adams cautioned Monroe to be wary as it most definitely has British self-interest involved. According to Harry Ammon, Quincy Adams was convinced that Britain had ulterior motives in this offer. He believed that using this joint action as bait, Britain was hoping to discourage American intention of taking over Cuba, which Adams believed, was inevitable. After much debate in the cabinet, the decision was reached to reject this proposal, for it seemed that America had nothing to gain through this alliance, and President Monroe was anyway reluctant to do anything that might make the US appear subservient to Britain. However America still needed to protect the southern states from being restored to Spain via the holy alliance. Also if such an attack occurred, and Britain interceded and emerged victorious, Americans would be left at the mercy of the British once again, and the Southern territories would fall under British control. It was then decided that the southern countries needed to be protected not only from Spain, the Holy alliance, or Britain, but also from all non-American powers, and this is how the genius idea behind the foreign policy, to be called Monroe Doctrine emerged. This doctrine, though presented as the annual presidential address, was the brainchild of John Quincy Adams, the secretary of state, whose main motive behind this policy, according to Edward Renehan Jr. , was to deter colonialism. Even though the doctrine shaped future American foreign policy, the immediate impact of the Monroe Doctrine was mixed. It was successful to the extent that the continental powers did not attempt to revive the Spanish empire, but this was on account of the strength of the British Navy, not American, which was relatively limited. According to Alejandro Alvarez, the doctrine was simply a policy for the United States’ self defense, not for its aggression or for its isolationism. The Monroe doctrine also had not stated any disapproval towards Pan-Americanism or even cooperation with other European nations. The Monroe Doctrine was especially influential in the history of Latin American countries. Around the early 1800s many Latin American areas, under the leadership of Simon Bolivar, had declared their independence from the controlling powers in Europe. These new countries lacked the military strength and experience to fight with foreign powers, however, when the Monroe doctrine was put into effect, they were safeguarded from these wars, and thus welcomed this policy. Over the years, the doctrine became the defining foreign policy of the United States, with continuous changes and variations, however, its two main ideas held true through the years. First, that the United States would not tolerate European powers further colonizing the American continents or interfering in its affairs. And second, that the United States would not interfere in existing European colonies or in Europe itself. According to Edward Renehan Jr. , the Monroe Doctrine had a significant impact, not only in the development of Foreign policy, but also on American history, which would have been significantly different, if not for this doctrine. In essence, ‘Without its existence Latin America would have been severely regionalized by European powers to serve their colonial interests, and a range of European powers, not just Spain but also Holland, Germany, France, and Great Britain—would have gained a major foothold, introducing not only new lines to the map, but also new languages and cultures’. The coinage of the term ‘Monroe doctrine’ first came from President James K. Polk in 1845, when he successfully invoked this doctrine to thwart of French and British efforts against annexation of Texas, as also British threats in Oregon and California. He also expanded the doctrine to include his belief of ‘manifest destiny’. A concept, which along with the Monroe Doctrine came to be referred as Polk Doctrine. Monroe Doctrine greatly changed the American foreign policy, by shifting the emphasis from neutrality, to respect towards America, as a newly independent nation. With the ending of the war between European nations, and the restoration of peace, the American foreign policy was liberated from its earlier inhibitions, which had existed ever since Washington’s presidency. Monroe seized the opportunity to let matters of neutral rights of America dissolve in the background, while bringing to the forefront the concept of the United States as the most powerful in the Americas, and a country which was a serious and powerful republic, which no longer needed the aid or patronage of foreign nations to achieve its diplomatic aims. The Monroe Doctrine was significant in defining and paving the way for American foreign policy for centuries. It was initially drafted simply as a means of asserting America as a power as well as for American self defense, and highlighting it as an independent nation. Its true brilliance was realized only decades later when it was recalled time and again by several Presidents of the United States. It was the first act that grew to see America as a superpower in the world. This simple assertion of non-interference separated the old world from the new world, thus making the United States the biggest power in the Western Hemisphere. It was the first decisive step in the foreign policy of America after Jefferson’s embargo on trade, and it greatly changed as well as shaped foreign policy as the United States for the first time asserted itself as a power without the support or patronage of another nation.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Responsibilities Of Man In The Family English Literature Essay

Responsibilities Of Man In The Family English Literature Essay Family is an assembly of people who have marital relationship and blood related individuals, living under the same roof. A group of many families living together is considered a society. In other words, family is a cell of a modern society. Each and every individual has the responsibility of building up a happy family. In the current world, the man plays a very special role which affects not only his current family but also later generations. There is a saying in Vietnamese: Men are the ones who build the house, while women are the one who create the home. We can see that the man is always the strong one, who does the heaviest work for his family. However, it does not mean that the mans role is just to support the family financially, building the house or providing settlement. In contrast, the man should also help the womans duties such as raising children or doing house works. In my opinion, being a man of the family is not a simple job because he has to use as much of his strength as possible to build up his family. Hence, it seems to be a difficult work for all men in the world. Marriage is a combination of the man and the woman, according to  Mignon McLaughlin, an American journalist and author, a successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person (Quotation #31121 from Laura Moncurs Motivational Quotations). To become the man of the family, firstly, he has to be a good husband. A good husband is the man who understands his wifes needs and wants. Any woman wants her husband to be a successful man and always share with her all problems in life. Zig Ziglar (also known as Hilary Hinton Ziglar) said: Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly understood that they are on the same side. For the Christians, when a man and a woman are getting married, they always promise to love each other forever and be side by side through sickness, poverty, even the hardest times of life. Therefore, we can easily see that love is the first requirement of being a husband. The husband needs to give his wife the love and to regard her like his most important property, not a maid for free in the house. Intense love, compassion, altruism, understanding from the husband is the thing woman wants the most. I think a man should open his mind to listen to his wife because thats one of the moral standards. Listening and understanding is always the important thing to do for his wife. According to Swedish Proverb, Shared joy is a double joy, and shared grief is half the grief. As we may know, a woman loves by eyes and ears, thus she will be very happy when she gets a good compliment from the husband. In addition, when the wife feels happy, she will do everything to make her family become happie r and happier. Therefore, I believe sharing with woman can help man build up a happy family much easier. Displaying your love and respect to your wife, the mother of your children, is a clear demonstration about how to love and respect important people in their lives. (Mark Greenfield, Becoming a perfect father) Dividing the responsibilities in a family depends on cultures. For example, it is common for some household that the husband is the only one who goes to work and gives financial support for the whole family, while the wife takes care of all the house works and raises children. Rarely, the husband will do some part of the chores when he feels like it. In this situation, the man of the family becomes the main financial provider. However, in some other families, many hard works such as fixing or maintaining the houses equipments can be done by paying a third party service. Hence, making money becomes the most important assignment that the man has to concentrate on. Because making money is a busy and tense work, a man sometimes forgets to do other activities with his wife and children such as: go to a base ball game, or spending an hour to help his wife washing the dishes. As a result, it is one of the reasons which make family members often separate from each other. Moreover, it is not a good situation at all and it must be changed. I personally think the man in the house must not only care about the financial support but also participate on other family activities. According to Dr. Phil McGraw, if men want to be successful in their marriage and family life, they have to change and broaden their definition of what it means to be successful as a man. Being a good provider, protector, leader and teacher is a privilege that comes with responsibilities that many men arent aware of.(The role of the man in the family) Nowadays, there are many women choose to be single mothers. They are confident that even when lacking the support of the men, they can still be able to live well, raising the children to become good people without the need of their childrens father. However, that will not give the children all the care they need, as a proverb in Vietnamese: the child without his/her father is like the house without its roof. On the other hand, the mother cannot teach her child all the skills that the childs father can do. No matter how masculine the woman is, there are always tasks that only men can do. How can she raise her son to become a real man, without the affection of all the feminine she has? And how can she give her precious girl a good imagine of the daughters future partner? They will just simply take all the trait of their only parent, thus hardening all the tasks on the mother, will may not relevant at early age, but become more clearly as they grow up. A life without a man in the family will cause many difficulties to the woman. As the result, she will have to do all the house works, while taking care of the kids and keeping the familys financial situation at an acceptable rate. How does she suppose to do all that jobs at the same time? If the woman is in a rich family, or she already has a well paying job, then the tasks can be less pressuring. However, those are only rare exceptions. In contrast, many single mothers having trouble balancing the duties all at once. Therefore, she will need a man to share all the weight on her shoulder in order to keep the family happy and affluent at all time. According to Census Bureau Reports, in 2006, 12.9 million families in the U.S. were headed by a single-parent, 80% of which were headed by a female. Single parent families are at a higher risk of poverty than couple families, and on average single mothers have poorer health than couple. Single parenting is strongly associated with an increas ed risk of a number of negative social, behavioral and emotional outcomes for children. Educating the kids is not an individual task. In contrast, must be done by both the parents. Children are extremely sensitive, and always eager to learn new things from the world. Every little thing from the outer environment will affect their perspective. In addition, it will decide the childrens behaviour when they grow up. They will just simply mimic all what they think that are interesting. However, the actions that the children try to mimic may not be all right. Supposedly there may be bad behaviours such as bullying or stealing. As time goes by, they will consider that those actions are the righteous, without regarding its true meaning. Therefore, parents always have to act as role model, not only while teaching their kid, but in everyday actions. Its similar to growing a tree, if we dont take care enough since it was a seed, the tree will not give out its expected juicy fruit. For example, considering a family of the sporty type, in which there are many sports activities are d one by both the father and the son. The boy will soon get the habit of doing sport, and keep practicing them when he grows up. Moreover, that man will spread his hobby to the next generation when he starts having family on his own. In the other hand, in the family of the arguing type, where parents always shout at each other, the children will be affected, and become mentally ill. That cycle will continue forever, until there are changes in the new family. However, that does not mean that any successful men can also success in being a father. Sometime, the man focuses his mind completely to his busy career, and then forgets his duty as a father. It will make some bad effects on the child. Therefore, I believe its important for the man to balance between his family and job. Closeness to fathers during childhood is positively related to adult daughters and sons educational and occupational mobility and their psychological adjustment and well-being. Amato, P.R. (1994) Father-child rela tions, mother-child relations, and offspring psychological well-being in early adulthood In my opinion, father plays an important role in affecting teenagers personality. For example, the girls always use their fathers images as the model for their boy friend or future husband. If the relationship between father and daughter is close and they often have conservations together, the girl will be more confident in choosing boyfriend. When the girl has better understanding of the opposite gender, she can avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary worries. As a female, when the girl gets dressed, she wants to be the centre of the attentions. Therefore, if the father can understand and commend on her dresses, it will affect to her way of dressing and living. In other hand, a boy always has his secret which is not easy to say out. In addition, he is easy to be influent by his friends bad habits. Therefore, if he has a good guider who encourages his mind and knowledge, he will be prevented from the wrong way in his life. Furthermore, the boy will be deeply getting his father charac ters effect. There is substantial involvement of fathers in a subset of this high-risk sample, although more than a quarter of the children lacked a father or father figure. The mere presence of a father did not significantly influence the neglect of the children; rather, the nature of his involvement did. Fathers who felt more effective as parents were less likely to have neglected their children. A greater sense of efficacy may reflect parenting skills and be important in enhancing the contribution of fathers to their childrens well-being. Dubowitz H., MD, MS; Black M.M., PhD; Kerr M.A., MS; 2000; Father and Child Neglect In conclusion, the man plays a very important role in the family. He has to fulfill the duty of not only the husband, the father but also the mental leader. As a husband, he has to understand and sympathy with his wife, his soul-mate. As a father, he has the responsibility to teach his son and daughter the skills needed to become good people. As a mental leader, he has to remain calm and strong in any situations. However, it is not easy to perform all those tasks perfectly simultaneously, but with a strong heart and a clear determination, nothing is impossible. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Dubowitz H., MD, MS; Black M.M., PhD; Kerr M.A., MS; 2000; Father and Child Neglect; Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2000; pp.154:135-141 Nord, Christine Winquist, Father Involvement in Schools. ERIC Digets. Eirini Flouri and Ann Buchanan, The Role of Father Involvement and Mother Involvement in Adolescents Psychological Well-being, British Journal of Social Work (2003) Mignon McLaughlin, quotation #31121, from Laura Moncurs Motivational Quotations. Zig Ziglars famous quotation from: marriage-quotes.html Swedish Proverb, quotation from: Amato, P.R. (1994) Father-child relations, mother-child relations, and offspring psychological well-being in early adulthood Bergman, Mike (March 27, 2007). Single-Parent Households Showed Little Variation Since 1994. U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved 2009-08-31 Dr Phil McGraw, the role of the man in the family Mark Greenfield, becoming a perfect father