Monday, February 24, 2020

GLOBAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

GLOBAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT - Essay Example ell as markets as same products are being sold in different national markets, increased capital mobility – firms move more freely between countries, improved connectivity in terms of transport and telecommunication, deregulation (fewer business related laws and restrictions) and liberalisations (removal of trade restrictions). Formation of larger economies within the world economy, a very god example is the European Union (EU). Free trade is always beneficial for the trading countries as it raises welfare and return is optimum. Then, why do countries go for protection? We concentrate our study on the infant industries and the consequence it faces in the face of global development. Global development also has its impact on businesses. The paper takes up two important aspects of business- Human resource management and research & development. Again, our motive is to access how these two aspects of business management and development helps in reducing the risks associated with global development. After establishing the effects of global development on businesses, we take up the two very aspects of marketing. A study of the consumer behaviour and the cultural aspects associated with it has been done in this paper. Infant industry argument is another face of selective protectionism and applied in developing countries most of the times than developed countries, though it began in US in the late 18th century and Germany in the 19th century as both these regarded its industries as underdeveloped compared o UK. New industries and specifically promising ones in the market need a platform to grow and beat the existing ones in their pursuit to grab the market. This is where the home country’s government gives protection from foreign competition, as exposure to foreign competition so soon might be a hurdle for their growth. This argument has faced lot of criticism because protecting every such infant industry is not justified. However, only those industries should be

Friday, February 7, 2020

Technology Leadership is a Business Strategy Essay

Technology Leadership is a Business Strategy - Essay Example Even if there were some computers in an organization, it was only with the most senior employees or in research departments. Now though, things have moved on. The development of the internet by the US Army and its public release in the 1980s has created quite a phenomenal change in information technology (Moschella, 1997). Internet forms the very backbone of our society today. New generations fear thinking how we managed to get stuff done when we didn't have this much technology in our lives. Technology leadership goes far beyond the conventional planning processes. It is about the change it can bring about in the very foundations of running the company and the ways and means with which it is run. It creates a whole new way of defining efficiency and goal achievement strategies (Sosik, 2004). This means that the role of the executive director is vital in the deployment of technology. So, technology can not be a success in an origination if employees are not comfortable with it or they do not know the huge benefits of it. We continuously study optimization strategies and efficient working conditions in almost every course, be it related to science or the business fields. This is because computers and technology have helped humans today see that they can get more work done in lesser time. The absolute importance of technology is that an organization accomplish in getting much more work done in a small amount of time and the output is error free as well. Technology today is not even expensive to buy. Many small business organizations are still running on vintage hardware and still are way in the lead because their staff know how get the best out of what has been provided to them. Companies like Microsoft and Linux developers research and develop operating systems with software that is not only easier to use than their previous editions, but which can accomplish more at the same time. We are talking about multitasking. Imagine for a moment, the importance of doing several time consuming tasks at the same time. It takes accountants and engineers hours to develop circuits on paper. But, using computer software, they can produce error free results in a matter of a few minutes. Consumer goods companies like Unilever and Procter & Gamble replace their hardware after every three years just to cope up with the increasing change in computing technology. They know the importance of technology in their goal achievement techniques. This fact is also helped by the fact that each CEO of the company is fluent and comfortable with the use of technology and in annual board meetings they are able to convince the board members, who can actually make or break the company if they disagree with technological innovations, on deploying better and more efficient technology and train employees in the area of using this new technology. Use of technologies in banks like Standard Chartered is vital. The prime example of this is an ATM machine. How easy is it to take your cash out of a machine rather than stand in queues waiting for your turn at the counter Conclusion Technology leadership is the quality most required in today's top companies. This is the reason they are at