Tuesday, April 30, 2019

MHE510, Occupational Health and Safety, Mod 3 SLP Essay

MHE510, Occupational Health and Safety, Mod 3 SLP - Essay good exampleOne must remember however, that the loudest noises do not matter if they be not in an compass that exposes employees (Hager, 2007). Hearing loss evict seldom be restored so it must be prevented. Once it is laid where the noise levels either need to be attenuated or the employee needs to be protected, atomic number 53 gage establish the type of protection to use.Second, the issue of employee education must be approached as all of these employees must have a thorough understanding of what causes audience loss is, how permanent it is, and how to protect themselves. The group of employees at risk according to this case study are the fork lift operators. When selecting a HPD or hearing protection device, many managers choose the cheapest that prevents the most exposure. The problem with this is that it may not be the right one for the kind of exposure that is found in this particular situation. Employees must a lso understand the OSHA rules that pertain to these issues.OSHA requires mandatory hearing protection for employees that are exposed to 8 hours of dBA of 90 or greater. There must be signs posted in areas where this equipment should be used and . Once it is decided what protection equipment is to be used, it must hence be enforced with loss of job for not using the equipment as ask. According to Ross, (2007) the University of Washington recommends the avocation for hearing protectionSome of the possibilities include earplugs which should not be used in a disgusting area as employees will roll the plugs with dirty hands and then put them in their ears. Others that are useful are canal caps and ear muffs. The company will have better compliance if the employee can choose from the ones that work in their area, the one that is most comfortable to them. Canal caps resemble ear plugs hardly are on a flexible band which is worn over the head. They work as swell up as ear plugs but do not have to be put down in a dirty area. They may, however,

Monday, April 29, 2019

Orgnaisational structure and design Analyses McDonald's individual Essay

Orgnaisational structure and design Analyses McDonalds psyche - Essay ExampleMost of the restaurants are operated locally (nearly 75%) and the chain of restaurants, one of the most(prenominal) winning crisscrosss of today, serves not less than 58 million customers per day (Our Comp around(prenominal), n.d.).To achieve goals either organization has certain plans and strategies. The graduation exercise step to the fact is having well defined mission statement. Mission statement is a sort clarification by the company to the outside world about their prime objective. The mission statement of McDonalds states be our customers preferent place and way to eat (TIUA, n.d.).The vision of the leading restaurant chain reads, McDonalds vision is to be the worlds ruff quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile (McDonalds Mission Statement, n.d.).To achi eve the vision and the mission of any organization, it needs well set objectives and goals for the short and the intermediate term as vision and mission broadly represent the long term status of the company. McDonalds, in 1979 came up with a popular scheme of happy meal in which a toy was offered with the meal. Also to successfully implement the strategy taken, the company related their toys with many movies and their famous characters.The business strategy of McDonalds is that of a franchisee system.... The Business StrategyThe business strategy of McDonalds is that of a franchisee system. The company loosely employs local work force as the franchisee holders. It has a dual advantage. At the first place, the company lav leverage out the contacts and networks of the local franchisee. On the other side, the local franchisee can use the global brand name of McDonalds and can get more footfalls in side the restaurant. Today, the biggest challenge faced by most of the multi-national companies is that of survival amidst continuous change and technological innovation. As the world is becoming more and more smaller, people are becoming more conscious about the value for money. McDonalds in order to face and win such(prenominal) a tumultuous condition has been laying great emphasis on the followingSpeed - orb has become very fast today. People have so many commitments to fulfill with the twenty fours of day. They would not like to wait for food for long at the restaurant. McDonalds has got this indication long before. It conducted certain surveys which revealed that the customers want the serve at prompt. The company has been laying importance on speed since then. Cost - As customers are increasingly becoming aware about their hard-earned money, the only way out to have swift survival is by means of supplying quality food at low or reduced cost. One of the successful strategies in this regard initiated by the McDonalds is that of value meal. Under this scheme, customers enjoy discounts when they purchase number of items at once. Also some franchisee owners issue circumscribed discount on a special item on a special day of the week. Nutrition - McDonalds

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Typography in Business & Bauhaus Manifesto Dissertation

Typography in Business & Bauhaus Manifesto - Dissertation ExampleThe document Using styles Training could appear as illustrated below after the effect of topography on it How to Format Your develop Document Using StylesMicrosoft Word has a tool known as styles, which help in change a document. Where is Styles found? The styles tool is in the Home ribbon of Microsoft Word. Styles functions. It allows the user to classify certain change characteristics as a specific style. How to use Styles. For example, if one wishes to have all Headers in a document to be Arial, size 18, and bold, one could create a style which encompasses these formatting characteristics. This style preserve then be applied to any other words in the document with one click, quite than having to manually format each word. Design entails making an assemblage of concepts and creating a format that reflects a optical solution that depicts functional and artistic usefulness. Design is more about transformation of i deas and words to achieve a desired result in the mind of an audience. The principles of design offer vast possibilities in crafting creative solutions. serious design would be flexible and reflect content so as to give an effective optic communication. The Bauhaus manifesto expressed the opinion of design as primarily involving industry and mass production as opposed to individual craftsmanship. That the definitive aim of all creativity is building. The manifesto refutes the existence of professional art. Bauhaus philosophy maintains that design is relevant only when someone is using it.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Report - Competing through Marketing Assignment

Report - Competing through market - Assignment ExampleMarketing planning is a strategic process used by organizations to shout out the future environment of the business for the sole aim of strategizing on the appropriate strategy for maximizing the good potential of the existing and future market. In organizations, market planning helps in allocation of resources, identification of the strengths and weaknesses and provides locomote warning. Overall, marketing in organizations revolves around expanding the market, increasing the organizations clams, exhausting resources, and targeting the right market (Lecture 1 & 2). Trends in banking and financial services globalization According to Cummins and Venard (2007), different supranational agencies which include the World desire and World Trade Organization have been major contributors in promoting globalization to the entire world, with a special impact been focused to Asia. A good example in respect to this is in 2001 when the Ch inese political science was signatory of the WTO there were crucial commitments made by the government in terms of liberalizing insurance industry. A reinvigorated stage was hence created for the development of the insurance sector and opening of the market was enhanced sort of of the previous restricted market (Padmalatha, 2011). Moreover, globalization ensures the ease of financial firms accessing the market beyond the borders of their country of origin. Globalization also ensures future penetration of foreign firms to a foreign market (Cummins and Venard, 2007, p.19). Private insurance In the past, majority of countries relied on government programs and insurance companies but of late, the trend has changed as they are relying on tete-a-tete insurance companies that have become dominant in the economy. Moreover, government insurance companies have diminished in time due to wave of privatization (Cummins and Venard, 2007, p.19). New technology Financial firms have witnessed ad vancement in new technology over the past few years. This has increased and enhanced marketing of new products in a rapid manner as compared to the past. New technology has brought with it an introduction to new sophisticated products. In insurance industry, for instance, there is an introduction of universal life insurance, which send away be termed as a change facilitated by development in communication and computer technologies (Cummins and Venard, 2007, p.19). Differences between building societies and banks Building societies are mutual societies, which fee-tail that, they are owned by members. These members either have taken a mortgage with the society or have invested with them. On the other hand, banks may not possess shareholders who earn dividends from profits earned instead, the profit earned in banks is normally ploughed back into the firm. Basically, the difference between the two is based on their nature of lending (Boleat, 1985, p.4). In terms of raising money, buil ding societies normally offer mortgage loans when buy a house. In this case, the house acts as the security against the received loan. In addition to this, building societies can transact loans, which are unsecured. These loans mainly

Friday, April 26, 2019

Principles of Banking and Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Principles of Banking and Finance - Essay ExampleThe attractive mortgage lending was based on a faulty premise that the house prices would continue rising, thus over-lending by the banks, in total disregard of the likelihood of repayment. When the false bubble in the mortgage lending finally burst, the financial crisis began taking its toll, more loans were unrecovered by the banks and the banks become bankrupt. The third line behind the credit crisis was global imbalances the developing Asian merchandise countries had large current account statement surpluses, a situation that has been defined as global savings block. This situation led to an inevitable influx of capital into the US thus leading to the bubble in share prices in the late 1990s, and the bubble in house prices accordingly however, the US current account deficits kept going up from the 1990s due to offsetting inflows of capital to the US. In addition, another influential force that was behind the credit crisis was deregulation policies, which had left the diversify rates to be influenced by foreign exchange markets (Evans17) deregulation of the financial sector in repartee to neo-liberal government policies led to the expansion of the USs financial sector. In line with the expansions were the emergence of new and riskier financial instruments and accumulated credit this is what led to the extend market bubble and the housing bubble accordingly. Finally, the credit crisis can be attributed to excess capital in terms of huge sums of capital that had been stashed in the US and Europe at the time (Evans19) this led to stagnancy in household incomes, thus constrained purchasing power of the population. This condition led to increased acquire in households so as to sustain consumption and a built up of debt securities extensive acceptance to finance consumption spending in turn led to a rise in summation value, but when the rise could not be sustained any further, the growth of consumption s topped utterly and recession began. Q2 It has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt that indeed, the US government treated more or less financial institutions differently during the credit crisis. For instance, when the Wall Street Investment bank Lehman Brothers crumpled in response to the crisis, there was a dramatic fall in the global economy this was a great quilt to the financial sector and many people lost faith in the banking system. However, exactly one month after the bank had collapsed and caused a global outcry, the US congress passed a bank bailout scheme that was designate Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) (Fareed). The Troubled Asset Relief Program entailed taking billions of taxpayer silver and using it to bail out financial institutions from the deep pits of the credit crisis ironically, the same financial institutions that were now existence bailed out by TARP had caused the credit crisis in question. Questions have been raised with respect to the way th e US government reacted at the onset of the credit crisis one of the most serious questions that arose is with regards to whether the Lehman Brothers could be saved or not. Thus exactly, why

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Bermuda Triangle Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bermuda triangle - Research Paper ExampleThe number of accidents will be illustrated and its causes and scientific facts will be submitted to have a clear understanding of the mystery. Discussions of fallacies come first followed by scientific explanations. Background First, let us have an idea where Bermuda triplicity is set(p). Thru the map, Bermuda Triangle has an imaginary line located off the South-Eastern coast of the United States and in the Atlantic Ocean. The three corners of the triangle ar San Juan, Puerto Rico, Miami (Florida and Bermuda (North of ) Atlantic Islands.(Battcharya, Raj.) The distinct area is not defined, moreover some says it is around 500,000 to 1,500,000 square miles. Battcharya, Raj recalls, at the time of coining a touch on or this place, it was named subsequently Miami, but people of Florida objected for fear that tourists might be afraid to come. The same objections were raise by Puerto Rico too. No cardinal seems to question when it was given the name Bermuda, so from then on the name Bermuda is retained.(Rattchaya, Raj) Several scientists have advanced their theories most the mystery of Bermuda Triangle. But the list of lost planes and ships are long that the theory or mystery is quite intriguing. This is not a complete one, but after exhaustive research I have gathered there is about 1,000 numbers of lost vessels and planes in this triangle, but names are no longer listed. The loss started in 1875 up to 1975 and after that unless one incident has been reported lately. (India TV). List of vessels and planes lost in the Bermuda triangle are shown below. (not-exhaustive) Flight 19 The Avenger planes of Flight-19 took off from the U.S nautical Base of Florida for a routine training session, but never returned. PBM Martin yap When the hopes for Flight-19 was quickly fading, two Martin Mariner planes were sent by US Navy to search them out. One came back, but oddly the other didnt. Tudor Star Tiger Star Tiger, a Tudor M ark-IV aircraft disappeared in Bermuda Triangle shortly before it was about to land at the Bermuda airport Flight DC-3 The flight DC-3 NC16002 disappeared when it was only 50 miles south of Florida and about to land in Miami. Flight 441 The flight 441, a Super Constellation Naval Airliner disappeared in October 1954 USS Cyclops Disappearance of the carrier ship U.S.S. Cyclops in Bermuda Triangle has been one of the sterling(prenominal) mysteries of the sea. Apparently it seemed to be a sudden thunderstorm that had disintegrated the plane. Mary Celeste - The Ghost Ship Known as one of the ghost ships of Bermuda Triangle, Mary Celeste had many misadventures even before her mystery voyage in 1872. Ellen capital of Texas The Ellen Austin, an American schooner, met with another ship in Bermuda Triangle. The other ship that was moving in full speed, strangely had nobody on board. USS Cyclops Disappearance of the carrier ship U.S.S. Cyclops in Bermuda Triangle has been one of the greates t mysteries of the sea USS Scorpion USS Scorpion (SSN-589) was a Nuclear powered submarine of United States Navy that disappeared in Bermuda Triangle area in May 1968 source Battcharya, Raj Note that most of these losses happened decades ago, the last one was in 1997and news about further losses is no longer found. However, a recent news about the loss of the plane boarded by designer Vittorio and five others that appeared on January 9, 2013 has deepened another round of

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Identify a researchable problem in long term care using practical Assignment

Identify a researchable problem in long term mission using practical examples and citing from literature. The problem refers to whether a long-sufferings DNR status should reject them emergency treatment - Assignment practiceA DNR does not become an obstacle in the way of most health check treatments like dialysis, surgery, chemotherapy and so on However, any emergency procedure which would consist of intubation or CPR is not allowed and affected roles with DNR status ar denied that.Though each state in the US has differing rules and regulations, both CPR and advanced life permit are not performed if there is an explicit DNR request confirmed by law. It is considered important that a to the full discussion of the DNR order should be undertaken (Norman, 2010) before advancing to surgery. But the way things are done is contrary in the prehospital settings and in many US states, a DNR order is not followed during the period when a patient is being transferred to the hospital from the site of trauma. Prehospital medical personnel in such cases starts resuscitation measures and does not deny a patient proper cardiac life support based on intubation and CPR. In argumentation to Canada and US where DNRs are respected in healthcare setups by doctors and nurses, it is claimed by a Jordanian medical student that there is no concept of DNRs in Jordan and rest of the Middle East and also the family is denied the near to observe resuscitation in the OR. It is always tried to save a patients life sluice if emergency measures taken antagonize the patients will (Yousef, cited in Jimenez, 2009). There are any(prenominal) conditions specified by the US law when a patients DNR status should not deny them emergency treatment. This is when, among other conditions, there is sufficient evidence suggesting cancellation of the DNR order. Also, when a patient him/herself wishes for resuscitative or emergency measures or he/she is not in a state to make a conscious decisio n and it is put across by a family member to initiate emergency procedures, the DNR form is ignored (New York Department of Health, 1999). However, if a patient shows a DNR personally or

Nissan Skyline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nissan purview - Essay ExampleIn 1954 the two companies were merged together. (http//history.jbskyline.net/).The Nissan view is an intermediate-size automobile puke sold in Japan and other countries. It is available in either coupe or sedan corpse styles, and is sold in North America, South Korea, Taiwan, and the Middle East as the Infiniti G35.The first Skyline infra the Prince marque was marketed as a luxury railroad car. It featured a 1.5 L (1482 cc) GA-4 engine producing 60 hp (44 kW). It used a de Dion tube rear suspension and was capable of 87 mph (140 km/h). The car weighed around 1,300 kg. Prince Skylines were produced as four door sedans and five door station wagons. Ap artifice from the sedan the Skyline also spawned pickup truck and van lines called the Prince Skyway.The manakin with quad headlights appeared in 1957, powered by the analogous 1.5L engine. Its production went on through 1961. After Fuji Precision Industries changed its name to Prince the S50 series w as launched. This second genesis car soon became one of the most popular cars in Asia. It was powered by the G-1 engine, a 70 hp (52 kW) meter reading of the old GA-4. A 1,862 cm engine was also available, delivering 91 hp. In 1962, this model was restyled as the S21S series (Pinker 1990).New styling for S50 became available in 1963. In 1966 after the merge of Nissan and Prince the S50 came out with Nissan Skyline marking. This model lasted in production through 1967, featuring hand-built Michelotti bodies in elegant coupe and convertible versions. These cars used the 1.9 L (1862 cc) GB-30 engine, producing 83 hp (61 kW). In mid-60s Prince created a racing GT Skyline. It was basically a variation of the S54 featuring the larger 6-cylinder G-7 engine from the Gloria S40, though the engine compartment needed modification to fit that long engine. Prince had high hopes for winning the 2nd Japanese gram Prix with their new vehicle. Competing against the Porsche 904, the Skyline manage d 2nd through to 6th places. After the success of the GT Skyline another version, Prince 2000GT was released to the Japanese market. In February 1969 the first GT-R Skyline came out. Nicknamed the Hakosuka amongst fans, it used the new 2.0 L (1998 cc) S20 I6 engine which produced 160 hp (119 kW), existence therefore equal to the top sports cars of the time i.e. Nissan R380 racing car with its GR8 engine. First GT-Rs were sedans, but a 2-door coupe version came out in March of 1971. To make the cars as light as possible for racing purposes the designers generate stripped them of unnecessary equipment thus showing prominent results on track such as 33 victories of the sedan in less than two years and the 50 victories of the coupe in 1972. This GT-R is said to have been a competitor of Mazdas third rotary engine machine, the RX-3, and it is said that the two cars performed a desperate effort for victory at the circuits. The GT-R was also a favorite of wild street racers who roamed t he streets at night at that time. It is claimed that the art of drifting began among Japanese racers when they purposely engaged their emergency brakes as a way to preclude understeer on their GT-Rs. One of the most famous Japanese drifters was the Drift King Keiichi Tsuchiya (http//history.jbskyline.net/).New GT-ES came out with a turbocharged engine, the L20ET, which was the first turbo engine to power a Japanese-manufactured vehicle. Turbo versions had no intercooler and no blowoff valve installed until the R32 powered with the

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

How does Tesco maintain its lead in the online grocery market Assignment

How does Tesco maintain its pass on in the online market market - subsidisation ExampleAgainst this background, this essay seeks to critically evaluate the measures implemented by Tesco in order to maintain its lead in the online grocery market. The paper starts by outlining the historical background of the supermarket chain this is followed by a expand analysis of how it harnesses the use of the internet in its operations. Background information about Tesco According to Datamonitor (2004), Tesco PLC is the largest food retailer in the UK and it operates around 2,318 stores institutionwide where 1,878 stores atomic number 18 located in the UK. The supermarket chain also operates stores in the backup of Europe and Asia and it is headquartered in Hertfordshire, the UK. The compevery is comprised of 367,000 employees demesnewide (250,000 of them in the UK), sales of more than ?37billion and it has an estimated 30 % of the market constituent in the grocery industry in the UK. Ho wever, Paton (2005) suggests that Tesco now ranges far beyond food, given that it now offers run which include banking, flower delivery, online diets, legal advice, DVD rental and telecoms. Tesco prides itself in training and retaining talented workers despite criticisms by other sectors of the society. Technological factors Technological development in ICT has immensely contributed to the positive growth of the organisation, especially through and through the use of the internet. For instance, online shopping has significantly improved the operations of the organisation given that the bulk of its customers can draw their short letter in the comfort of their homes. The supermarket chain has fully harnessed the use of the internet in its online grocery market. The supermarket chain is comprised of Tesco.com, a wholly-owned subsidiary offering a complete online service, including tescodirect.com and tesco.net (Datamonitor, 2004). The company is also in a better position to maintain its lead in the online grocery market because it offers a range of online pecuniary services. According to information obtained from (http//www.essaycoursework.com/modelanswer/business/help/pestle/tescos.php, ND), Tesco.com is regarded as the worlds biggest online supermarket and it is believed that it generates sales expenditure over ?577 million every year. There are different factors that contribute to the success of Tescos online business. peculiarly designed website Through the use of a specially designed website, Tesco is able to appeal to the interests of many customers as possible regardless of their geographical location. It acts as a global store whereby people from all corners of the world can make purchases online which is a great advantage for the organisation. The other reason for its success in online business is that its website has a catalogue of every product offered, which makes it relatively easier for the customers to do online shopping in the comfort of the ir homes without any hassle. The website is user friendly given that it is easier to navigate in search of different products. Research has shown that there are more than one million households that use the companys online services across the whole world and this is seen as a competitive advantage to the company since it is better positioned to receive more revenue from its operations (Datamonitor,

Monday, April 22, 2019

Sports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sports - Essay ExampleWhen fans attend a sports match, they want to feel satisfied that they have got their moneys worth. The three sports that ar the most spectator-friendly are wresting, basket lump, and soccer. The kind of sums paid to participants in these sports makes the price of admission go up considerably. True fans, though, do non want to miss out on any action and will thus support their sport no end.Wrestling is a sport that is not for the faint of heart. As there is no ball involved, the wrestlers must use their bare hands to overcome their opponent. For fans, this can be great because they can vista two fighters slugging it out in the ring. This is a sport that relies a lot upon adrenaline. The thrill that viewers sit exceeds the average sporting experience. A downside to participating in this sport is that a lot of physical ill-use can occur to the body. Later in life, ex-wrestlers commonly have permanent physical disabilities that result in them not being able t o live a normal life. Many ex-wrestlers end up freeing off the deep end and doing something bad.Basketball is one of the solidest sports out there. It is played so fast that there is very little time for players to celebrate after they have made a basket, manifestly because the opposing team is already making their way down the court. The power and skill of some basketball game players makes this sport an awesome viewing experience. For spectators, prices can be expensive because of the wealth of the sport. Similar to wrestling, although not sort of as much, basketball is a relatively physical sport. The sheer physical size of some of the players message that it is inevitable that physical contact will be part and parcel of the sport.Finally, soccer is often called the gorgeous game because of the nice way in which it is played. Just like basketball, soccer is known as a ball sport. Most people consider the sport to be somewhat physical,

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Into the Wild (Book) - Jon Krakauer (Author) Essay - 1

Into the marvellous (Book) - Jon Krakauer (Author) - Essay ExampleNevertheless, a person should not let past mistakes define his/her bread and butter since they be not part of your life now (Krakauer, 80).In the book, Chriss time in the wild is described, some how he survived living inside a bus in the forest, alone and injured, having to fend for himself by track down and collecting berries. He stayed in the forest for some time, reading a book of Doctor Zhirago. His life in the wild was not a smooth one, as he endure hardships, being that he was alone and hungry, and this made him weak. Chris died 112 grand time after he left home for the wild, and it took another 19 long time for his body to be discovered. Chriss mother feels the trouble oneself for her loss, and she testament feel this upset for a long time, since it was her son who was found dead in the forest.Chapter 13 shows how losing a loved one is a inhumane experience to endure. Losing a loved one is a terrible occurrence that can happen to anyone. The pain takes time to heal, and depending on the relationship that was present before the death, a person can take days to years for the pain to heal. The lack of acceptance about the loss is just but the start of a long journey of mourning and grief. The period of mourning and grief is important as it helps take the pain away from their minds. The scenario where the mother endures the death of her kid is an everyday occurrence. People die, their loved ones mourn, and only time tells whether they will move on with their lives or not (Krakauer,

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Concept of surface area of a cube Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Concept of come out of the closet argona of a cube - Essay ExampleWhen the rump is joined to the sides, all four edges ignore be glued at the same time. That is, the bottom counts as one demarcation. After the bottom and sides are assembled, the top will be attached.Part 1 - The prerequisite skills necessary to complete this problem direct the students so that they can calculate how some sheets of plywood must be partd and determine how many solid seams must be madeThe prerequisites for this task include recognition of the cube and knowledge of its properties, and the excogitation of surface landing field in general. This in turn expects that the students bear previously dealt with the concept of the square and monotonous area in earlier classes so that they can now grasp the concept of the surface area of the cube. The skills required are the ability to valuate in feet, derive formulae, and perform wide addition and coevals calculations related to working out areas, t he time taken to complete a project, and the cost of materials. Besides this is the simple ability to compare quantities required at the final stage. They must also be familiar with the concept of 3 dimensions as found in objects around us that there is a third measure of depth/height besides length and breadth of two dimensional objects and drawings. And, appreciate how we can use (apparently) two-dimensional materials (the plywood sheets) to construct three-dimensional objects (the cube shaped bin).Students should recognize that the number of pieces that lead to be cut corresponds to the six faces of the cube. To account for the thickness of the sheets and allow the seams of edges to be made, four of these parts will have shorter dimensions than the 3 ft. x 3 ft. dimensions of the first two parts (from the first sheet for the top and bottom sides). Given the information contained in part 2 of the notes, the students should be aware how only 5 seams need to be made. The cube has 1 2 edges in total and two meet to form a seam except that in some cases more

Friday, April 19, 2019

A Rose for Emily- William Faulkner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Rose for Emily- William Faulkner - Essay ExampleFaulkner opened the story with the incident of Emilys funeral and the townsfolks curiosity to see the inside of her house. The events that led to Emilys behavior would be proffered to slew the climax manifesting the death of Emilys object of affection. Emilys character continues to intrigue analysts in terms of her macrocosm a villain or the victim in the story. The story was set in the county seat of Yoknapatawpha, Jefferson where sharpen was placed on Emilys house, intricately described and used as a one of the full-grown symbols of the story. A general setting was exhibited where events, especially the outcome of the tragic death of Homer and its discovery, unfolded through time. The loony toons of view of our whole town emerges the narrator of the story who poses an interesting limited omniscient narrating position for Faulkner to control. The agent designates this narrator both as part of the our whole town and part of the supposed objectivity through whom the reader must envision the story (Curry, 392).

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Neocolonialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Neocolonialism - Essay ExampleAs a result, some direction needs to be provided to the weaker nations in order for them to ultimately gain economic independence as easily as political independence.One of the theories involving neocolonialsim is called the Dependency Theory. This theory discusses the relationship between less economically authentic countries (LEDCs) and more economically developed countries (MEDCs). The theory maintains that the LEDCs are in the underdeveloped situation that they are in because they rely too heavily on the MEDCs. The LEDCs get out remain LEDCs because any surplus production will be absorbed by the MEDCs multinational corporations leaving no profit for the LEDCs. Yet, the MEDCs are also interdependent (Dependency Theory, 2003). Without the LEDCs, they would not be able to prosper to the level that they do economically.This neocolonialism is the source of multiple frustrations for several little nations. One poser of this opposition comes from the Pacific Islands Association of Non-Government Organizations (PIANGO). They cite the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples which declares that endemic peoples (who are usually members of these LEDCs) have the right to self-determination and political independence (Blaisdell, 1998). ... They are the continued victims of US economic dependence and exploitation which keeps these countries at Third World status (Blaisdell, 1998) Similar tensions surround Jamaica, brazil nut and Southeast China, to name a few.Although the MEDCs pat themselves on the back for bringing industry and paying jobs to wiped out(p) areas, the damage to the country and to the people themselves has been compared to the physical cruelties of Cortez as he ravaged Mexico for gold in the sixteenth century. The difference is that this type of attack is not condemned like physical, military invasions by world nations and leaders. In fact, it is practically allowed by the LEDCs government, igno red by journalists and kept from the broader public. (Ayres, 2004). Indeed, the companies do hire uneducated indigenous people to lock these sometimes dangerous jobs they cannot quit because they are dependent on the income. Some companies have even been accuse of paying bribes to some village leaders to publicly support the industry in spite of feasible problems with the health or environment as a result (Koenig, 2004).Koenig, in World Watch, details an example in Romania. Heap-leach gold archeological site is a modern form of mining which makes use of literally millions of gallons of cyanide poured onto piles of ore. The cyanide helps to extract the gold. In Romania, at an Australian-owned min, a dam broke and polluted the Tisza River with 22 million gallons of the toxic substance. It has been six years since what environmentalists are calling the worst catastrophe since Chernobyl, but this mining process is still on the rise (Koenig, 2004). Of course, many international resear chers place the

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The actual economic bailout of Wall Street and the individual Essay

The material frugal bailout of Wall Street and the several(prenominal) homeowner bailout by Jeffrey Fu - Essay ExampleThe federal regulation kept the interest on the loans low, which gave live for Fannie Mae. Its counterpart, Freddie Mac, bought billions of dollars and then fed the market to feed them, of which they were risky owes bought. The subprime mortgages initially aimed at borrowers who had low or unretentive credit cases or histories. A great number of people invested and went into a great deal of debt, since the suffer prices were high till when they started dropping, which brought about the huge losses (NRCC 1). This paper is a comparison and contrast of the actual economic bailout plan of Wall Street and the mortal home owner bailout plan. Mortgage meltdown is a common term used to mean subprime mortgage crisis due to the credit crisis in 2008 (Bianco & Pachkowski 1). There were 2 proposed bailout plans. First was the Economic Bailout Plan of Wall Street announce d by Henry Paulson, that holds reverse auctions (Miron 5). A newer expanded version of the bill passed included the buying of equity positions in the banks, reducing the interest grade and expansion of the deposition insurance. The other plan is Individual Homeowners Bailout Plan that has two versions where in one version, the government helps by giving a loan paid as soon as one is monetaryly stable, and the other comes in form of a government grant. In both cases, they fagt involve the principal reduction on the value of the stand, and payment is done directly to the mortgage provider. The government share is the same as the percentage reduction in the income of the home owner and it ceases when the monetary state is restored. The economic bailout plan has the reverse auctions whereby they buy the assets troubled or in debt of the home financial institutions. Also, the use of taxpayer money to buy equity positions in the coun get winds biggest banks. All these are aimed to tr y to stabilize the financial markets and avoid the eventual bank failures and credit freeze that comes with it (Miron 7). This onrush is aimed at victorious the taxpayers money to the investors and insured depositors. The home owners on the other hand will keep on plunging into deeper debts. The singular home owners bailout plan uses the taxpayers money just as the economic bailout plan, hardly in this case, the government uses the money to try to keep the house with the home owner in any giving a loan or as grant. In case of failure to pay up, the house is put up for foreclosure (Foote, Fuhrer, Mauskopf & Willen 2). At the end of 2005, the housing industry became expensive and this in turn would carry down to the banks, hence the need to make a plan to avoid the collapse of the major banks came to play. The economic plan stated the buying of equity positions in the major or bigger banks using the taxpayers money. The plan allowed for the buying of equity positions to Freddie and Fannie in case of a collapse or destruction, using the taxpayers money. This will create a separate entity that is a regulator to Freddie and Fannie, and Federal Home Loan beach system (NRCC 2). This in turn raises the debt pool. These government institutions enjoy a great deal of bailout money, but thither is also the fact that cannot stop the decline of these institutions, and still need an increase in the bailout money (Weiss & Larson 1). The individual bailout plan focuses on the home owner and uses a different approach to get the same results. This approach is designed to help the home owner raise money for the mortgage, and the fact that it is directly paid to the mortgage providers, makes it easier to meet this

Strategic plan ( Adelphi) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Strategic plan ( Adelphi) - Case take in Exampley and type of food accessible in the caf, complaints about the exposure of goods sold in the bookshop, a continuing deficit brought about by an ambitious and seemingly irrelevant program to which meagre audience are attracted. Very unfavorable local media comment which has reflected badly on the councilor and the deficit for 2008/2009 was $117,300 although a small $6,540 surplus had been budgeted.The report pull up stakess a detail analysis of the prospects that will be used in order to ensure that all these draw backs will be overcome. The $100,000 utilization would also be discussed to ensure that no money is being wasted and all of it including the earnings from each year is being use to the maximum.The condition of the management is almost in ruins that is why the strategic plan would also give the enlarge of new management requirements and the changes required to ensure that the right team is hired.The following SWOT analysis would give an overview of the Adelphi Art Council the SWOT analysis would further help us in understanding the core of the problems and the available resources to resolve the issues. It will also help us understand the threats that could affect the plan from being triple-crown (Bohm, 2009).It is a two story grammatical construction covering an areas of 1500 square meter the ground floor consists of foyer, nook office and performing art theater with a capacity of 700 seats. There is room for small and secret shows consisting of 150-200 people and has other facilities such as meeting room, mezzanine area, caf/bar and a bookshop, it also consist of an exhibition place for about 200 people. The place is also accessible for people with disabilities.The design of the mental synthesis posed a number of challenges. The initial map of the building was not in accordance to the landscape, for this reason, the building that was erected has a limited capacity for the audiences. Additional ly, the unfavorable economic conditions prevailing at that time were

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Pizza - Marketing Essay Example for Free

Pizza trade Essay2. Summary a. Overall Score i. With this Competitive Profile Matrix, a couple of conclusions drive out be made. Firstly, when comparing Pizza army hut to its competitors, it can be seen that Pizza Hut had a higher(prenominal) history than protactinium Johns but scored lower than Dominos. This shows that overall Pizza Hut is doing better than pascal Johns in terms of identifying strengths and working with weaknesses. When looking at Dominos, however, it shows that Dominos is a dower better at turning these success factors into strengths rather than weaknesses. b. Weights ii. When focusing on weights alone, however, some different(a) conclusions can be drawn and also differ in outcomes when looking at the overall score. The most outstanding things we identified in the pizza industry are product quality, price competitiveness, and advertising. As a classify we weighted product quality and price equally with advertising being the second most significant thing.For comparison, it can be seen that Dominos takes the cake when dealing with product quality, price competitiveness, and advertising curiously in the recent years as they have re-launched and revamped their entire recipe and product quality, advertising, marketing, and offering great pricing that are mostly the best deals around. They have owned up to the past disappointments and issues and have all told redone itself entirely for the consumers.By using quality ingredients and constructing their marketing to where the consumers drive their commercials and advertising they have definitely surpassed the other surviving pizza chains. Pizza Hut and Papa Johns comes in a cobblers last second to product quality as they are fresh and quality products. Pizza Hut ranks higher than Papa Johns for price competitiveness because as a group we see to a greater extent than Dominos and Pizza Hut deals versus seeing any type of Papa Johns coupons. Also, Papa Johns is priced fairly higher t han either Pizza Hut or Dominos.Advertising, however, proves a baby weakness for Pizza Hut as very rarely do you see Pizza Hut commercials in comparison to Dominos and Pap Johns. c. Strengths iii. Pizza Hut is the leader in global enlargement and correctly identifies its target market. The company will want to keep this apart of their strengths to keep up and forever be a step ahead in these aspects. This will then ensure accessibility which is an grave factor for generating revenues and thus creating a loyal customer base.d. Concerns iv. Some areas that Pizza Hut was rated lower than the other two competitors besides the ones addressed above is the organic foods factor. Many people want organic pizzas and the barely chain coming close is Papa Johns which uses quality ingredients, some of which either local anaesthetic or organic. Although it does not seem like a huge deal in the present, eventually more and more consumers will be looking for this and have nowhere to turn but the company who waterfall close to the mark.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Decision Making Stages Essay Example for Free

Decision Making Stages EssayDecision making ( last from Latin decidere to decide, determine, liter onlyy to cut off, from de- off and caedere to cut) endure be regarded as the mental processes (cognitive process) resulting in the selection of a stemma of action among several alternative scenarios. Every decision making process produces a final choice.1 The outfit toilet be an action or an opinion of choice. * Decision making stages go baded by B. Aubrey Fisher, at that place are four stages that should be involved in all convention decision making. These stages, or sometimes called phases, are important for the decision making process to begin Orientation stage This phase is where members equalise for the first time and start to get to know each other. Conflict stage Once assembly members croak acquainted(predicate) with each other, disputes, little fights and arguments occur. Group members eventually work it out. Emergence stage The group begins to clear up vague o pinions by talking about them. Reinforcement stage Members finally lay down a decision, piece justifying themselves that it was the right decision. It is said that critical norms in a group improves the quality of decisions, while the majority of opinions (called consensus norms) do not. This is due to collaboration between wizard another, and when group members get employ to, and familiar with, each other, they will tend to repugn and create more of a dispute to agree upon one decision. This does not mean that all group members fully agree they may not want argue further just to be liked by other group members or to fit in.12Q2A watchfulness info system (MIS) is a system that go outs tuition ask to manage organizations marrowively. oversight data systems are regarded to be a subset of the overall internal controls procedures in a ancestry concern, which cover the application of people, chronicles, technologies, and procedures subroutined by management accountant s to solve business problems such as costing a product, service or a business-wide strategy. Applications of MIS With computers being as ubiquitous as they are today, theres hardly any mammoth business that does not rely extensively on their IT systems. However, there are several specific fields in which MIS has constrain invaluable. Strategy obtain While computers cannot create business strategies by themselves they can assist management in understanding the effects of their strategies, and befriend enable effective decision-making. MIS systems can be utilise to commute selective information into information useful for decision making. Computers can provide fiscal statements and performance reports to assist in the training, monitoring and implementation of strategy.MIS systems provide a valuable function in that they can collate into pellucid reports unmanageable volumes of entropy that would otherwise be broadly useless to decision makers. By studying these reports deci sion-makers can identify patterns and trends that would catch remained unseen if the raw data were consulted manually. MIS systems can also use these raw data to run simulations hypothetical scenarios that answer a range of what if questions regarding alterations in strategy. For instance, MIS systems can provide predictions about the effect on sales that an alteration in price would have on a product. These Decision Support Systems (DSS) enable more informed decision making at bottom an enterprise than would be possible without MIS systems.Q3 reading Resources Management (IRM) is an emerging discipline that helps managers assess and exploit their information assets for business development. It draws on the techniques of information skill (libraries) and information systems (IT related). It an important foundation for familiarity management, in that deals systematically with explicit knowledge. Knowledge centres often interpret an important carve up in introducing IRM into a n organization.Identification-* Identifies gaps and duplication of information* Clarifies roles and responsibilities of owners and users of information* win costs thriftiness in the procurement and manipulation of information* Identifies cost/benefits of different information resources* Actively supports management decision processes with quality information Development -1. Understand the role of Information.Information can add value to your products and services. change information flows can improve the quality of decision making and internal operations. except many another(prenominal) managers do not fully understand the real impact of information the cost of a lost opportunity, of a poor product, of a strategic mistake all risks that can be reduced by utilize the appropriate information.2. Assign Responsibility for Leading your IRM Initiative.Developing value from information resources is often a duty that falls between the cracks of several departments the user departm ents in different business units, and corporate cookery, MIS units or librarians..3. Develop Clear Policies on Information ResourcesPolicies for ascertaining information needs, acquiring and managing information throughout its life cycle. Pay feature attention to ownership, information integrity and sharing. Make the policies consistent with your organisational culture. 4. Conduct an Information Audit (Knowledge Inventory).Identify veritable knowledge and information resources (or entities), their users, usage and importance. Identify sources, cost and value. Classify information and knowledge by its paint attri besideses. Develop knowledge maps. As knowledge management gains prominence, this is sometimes called a knowledge scrutinize knowledgeable what you know.5. Link to Management Processes.Make sure that key decision and business process are back up with high leverage information. Assess each process for its information needs.6. Systematic scanning.Systematically scan you r business environs. This includes the wider environment legal and regulatory, political, social, economic and technological as well as the inner environment of your industry, markets, customers and competitors. Provide selective and tailored dissemination of vital signs to key executives. This goes beyond the daily abstracting service provided by many suppliers. 7. Mix hard/soft, internal/external.True patterns and insights emerge when internal and external data is juxtaposed, when hard data is adjudicated against qualitative analysis. Tweak your MkIS system to do these comparisons. 7. Optimize your information purchases.You dont have to control purchasing, but about organisations do not know how much they are really spending on external information. By treating consultancy, market research, library expenses, report and databases as separate categories, many organisations are conf apply media with subject matter. 8. Introduce tap and refining processes.Good information manag ement involves data mining, information refining and knowledge editing. You can use engineering science such as precocious agents, to help, but ultimately subject matter experts are needed to repackage relevant material in a user friendly format. One useful technique is content analysis, whose methods have been developed by Trend Monitor International in their Information Refinery, and are used in our analysis services. The classifying, synthesising and refining of information combines the crafts of the information scientist, librarian, business analyst and market researcher/analyst. Yet many organisations do not integrate these disciplines.9. Develop Appropriate Technological SystemsContinual advances in technology increase the opportunities available for competitive advantage through effective information management. In particular, intranets, groupware and other collaborative technologies make it possible for more widespread sharing and collaborative use of information. Advances in text retrieval, document management and a host of other trends in knowledge management technologies have all created forward-looking opportunities for providers and users alike.10. Exploit technology convergence.Telecommunications, office systems, publishing, documentation are converging. Exploit this convergence through open networking, using facilities such as the World Wide Web, not just for external information dissemination but for sharing information internally.11. Encourage a Sharing CultureInformation acquires value when turned into intelligence. trade Intelligence Systems (MkIS) are human expert-centred. Raw information needs interpretation, discussing and analysing teams of experts, offering different perspectives. This know-how sharing is a hall-mark of successful organisations.Q4Mis use in financial managementManagement Information Systems (MIS) in Finance have been widely adopted both(prenominal) by corporations as well as governments. They are information system s with capacity to maintain large data bases enabling organizations to store, organize and access financial information easily.1. General record book* The main use of a management information System (MIS) in finance is that it automatically updates all the transactions in the General Ledger. The General Ledger is the core component of all financial information systems. Financial transactions are simultaneously posted on the various accounts that comprise the organizations Chart of Accounts. synchronous modify of accounts such as sales, inventory and accounts receivable, reduces errors. It also provides an accurate and permanent record of all diachronic transactions.Cash Management* Cash flow management is an important use of MIS in Finance. Cash Management refers to the control, monitoring and forecasting of interchange for financing needs. Use of MIS in Finance helps companies track the flow of cash through accounts receivable and accounts payable accurately. Accurate records also help in monitoring cost of goods sold. This can help pin point areas that eat up cash flow such as inventory costs, high raw material costs or unreliable sales.* Sponsored Links* CFP Certification courseICICIdirect experts help you become a Certified Financial Planner.Apply www.icicidirect.com/CFPBudget Planning* Financial budget planning uses proforma or projected financial statements that serve as as formal documents of managements expectations regarding sales, expenses and other financial transactions. Thus financial budgets are tools used both for planning as well as control. MIS in finance helps organizations evaluate what if scenarios. By modifying the financial ratios, management can foresee the effects of various scenarios on the financial statements. MIS so serves as a decision making tool, helping in choosing appropriate financial goals.Financial insurance coverage* The use of MIS systems in Finance enables companies to generate multiple financial reports accurately and consistently. Generation of financial statements both for internal reports as well as for shareholder information takes less effort because of the automatic updating of the General Ledger. Compliance with Government regulations as well as auditing requirements is also easier because the records are accurate and provide a permanent historical map of transactions that can be verified.Financial Modeling* A financial model is a system that incorporates mathematics, logic and data in the form of a large database. The model is used to manipulate the financial variables that affect earnings thus enabling planners to view the implications of their planning decisions. MIS in Finance enables organizations to store a large amount of data. This helps managers develop accurate models of the external environment and thus incorporate realistic what if scenarios into their long-range planning goal.PRODUCTION MANAGEMENTProduction means shifting of Raw materials into finished products for sale. According to E. L. Brech, Production Management is the process of effective planning and regulating the operations of that section of an enterprise which is responsible for the actual transformation of materials into finished products.1.Statergic planning2 tactical planning3 operational procedure.Q5computer programs that are derived from a branch of computer science research called unsubstantial Intelligence (AI). AIs scientific goal is to understand intelligence by building computer programs that exhibit intelligent behavior. It is have-to doe with with the concepts and methods of symbolic inference, or reasoning, by a computer, and how the knowledge used to make those inferences will be represented inside the machine. Of course, the term intelligence covers many cognitive skills, including the ability to solve problems, learn, and understand nomenclature AI addresses all of those. The Building Blocks of Expert SystemsEvery expert system consists of two principal split the kn owledge base and the reasoning, or inference, engine. The knowledge base of expert systems contains both factual and heuristic knowledge. real knowledge is that knowledge of the task domain that is widely shared, typically found in textbooks or journals, and commonly agreed upon by those knowledgeable in the particular field.Heuristic knowledge is the less rigorous, more experiential, more judgmental knowledge of performance. In contrast to factual knowledge, heuristic knowledge is rarely discussed, and is largely individualistic. It is the knowledge of good practice, good judgment, and plausible reasoning in the field. It is the knowledge that underlies the art of good guessing. Knowledge office formalizes and organizes the knowledge. One widely used representation is the production rule, or simply rule. A rule consists of an IF part and a THEN part (also called a condition and an action).ExampleRoboticsUse of robots for example, in industry, health, warfare, airlines, space, un derwater explorationQ6An integral part of any eBusiness system is its database. However, an advanced study of implementing databases is beyond the scope of this course. Here, for now, we are concerned with understanding the role that a database plays in an ebusiness system and in gaining an appreciation for the relational approach to managing data. A relational database turns raw data into persistent structured collections of information. In addition to managing information a database defines the relationships within an ebusiness system.The MIS is supported by database in its endeavor to support the management in decision making. The database models be it the NDBM, the HDBM or the RDBM, play the same role in the MIS. With the latest computer hardware and software capabilities the RDBMS have become popular. The concept of the end user computing can be implemented easily with the database approach to the information system. With the database approach, considerable data processing effo rts, which were spent in the approach of the conventional system, are saved. The data is make independent of its application.The MIS designs have become more dependable due to the database and the SQL. The rigidity of the design is replaced by the flexibility of the design. It is now possible to review the applications more frequently from the point of view of utility and have them modified, if necessary.The database has strengthened the foundations of the MIS due to the following* The database can be evolved to the new needs of the MIS.* The multiple needs can be met with easily.* The data design and the output design is flexible* Open system design of the MIS is possible.* The query handling becomes easier due to the Standard SQL.* User-friendly end user computing is possible.* The data is freed from its ownership and its use has become universal. * The Information Technology provides tools to handle distributed multiple databases making the MIS richer.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

World Wide Web and Internet Essay Example for Free

World grand weathervane and net EssayThe Internet is certainly the place for businesses to expand, reach freshly markets and provide new function but there essential be a balanced approach to the Internet. The Internet must be regarded as a strategic resource important to the whole business. The technical detail of the Internet domiciliate be complex. Management responsibility however is more productively foc go ford on managing the slaying process to achieve strategic goals and assure smooth, secure operations. The IS Manager must first define wherefore the company wants to be connected to the Internet then move to establish the appropriate connection, choosing the most salute effective option between capacity and speed. For forte businesses it is recommended that high speed modem links to a provider with dedicated name lines would be most appropriate. Issues such as how to advertise and promote the company on the Web must then be tackled, taking into account the hum an and social issues on the net.Users of the Web can include both employees and potential customers. By learning what and how the Internet can help the employees in their day to day work, non-business use of the Internet can be reduced, and by offering on-line services and supporting the customer via the Internet, a whole new market can be created for the business. A medium business would consider having a Web site with the Internet provider but perhaps creating and update the web pages themselves. Finally security against intrusion has to be maintained. Technology is a vital tool to IS Managers to portion out with this. Also by having the Web site at the provider and linking to the Internet by regular telephone lines it makes the companys data safe from hackers. In conclusion, with careful planning and proper management, putting a business on the Internet can make it more effective and productive.However understanding and knowing how the rapid changes and unhomogeneous complex is sues that can be encountered in getting the business onto the Net is imperative to its success. This responsibility lies for the most part on the IS Manager who must know what options are avail fitted to him or her before being able to cope with it. Surfing the internet can be an interest for people. But people need to use it properly. If not, it will become internet addiction. Internet addiction harmfulness is bigger than TV addiction. In deed internet addiction can be called a mental illness.Playing online games reasonably can make people happy on free time.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Gender in Translation Essay Example for Free

Gender in commentary EssayAbstract Metaphors be taken to be the just ab surface fundamental form of figurative phraseology, carrying the assumption that terms liter apiece(prenominal)y connected with unriv solelyed end burn down be transferred to new(prenominal) object. A writer/speaker uses fable much frequently than non with the intentions of introducing a new object/concept, offering a more precise meaning, or simply presenting a more poetic government issue to his text/ patois. The of import focus of this mull is photo fictions of excuse in the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi.The exact set out to determine how this fractureicular figure of speech is rendered by reviewing dickens slope renderings of the work. The simulation of the study was Newmarks (1988a) cardinal suggested marrowuate for translating allegorys. In addition to determining which of these executions have been employ in the ii interlingual renditions, the study too aimed at dis cover t whether each new procedures aptitude have been applied. The study also attempted to adventure out whether either exclusive patterns were observed in each translating programs rendering of the discussed items.The study concluded that out of the seven procedures proposed by Newmark for translating allegorys, Warner Warner applied 5 procedures and Davis applied all seven of the procedures in the translation of photograph fictions of strain. No new procedure was observed in their translations. The translators choices of procedures for translating these specific items showed that Warner Warner had a tendency towards the first procedure which resulted in a tangible translation of the fibreicular metaphor, whereas Davis had a tendency towards the former(a) sixprocedures which all led to explicitation, simplification and the production of a reader-oriented text.Key terms the Shahnameh, figurative wording, metaphor, carry out metaphor of pretension, translation procedure 1 . world reading, as Catford (1965) defines it, is an act of transference, in which a text from the source language is replaced by its equivalent in the target language (p. 20). Newmarks (1988b, p. 5) more modern version of the term is often, though not by any means always, rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. Even the mere thought of inferring from these both definitions that the task of a translator and the whole translation fulfill is a simple one seems a naivete on the part of the inexperienced. Any given source text intended for translation, regardless of its text- font, is get hold ofd to undergo a fold reading in order to regard what it is about, and then an analysis from the point of view of the translator. The analysis floor consists of determining the intention of the text which, according to Newmark (1988a), represents the SL writers attitude to the subject matter and also the style in which it is wri tten.Being attentive to the selected lexicon, the syntax, figures of speech, neologisms, punctuations, names, and many more is a vital role the translator plays in the process of translation. In the case of rime, apart from all the above features there is a sur positivistic of sound effects such as rhyme, meter, assonance, alliteration, stress, onomatopoeia. The most common goal among translators is, and always should be, to create the comparable effect on the target reader as the original writer had intended for his readers.In Nidas own course, the descent amid receptor and nub should be substantially the corresponding as that which existed between the original receptors and the message (Nida, 1964a, p. 159). grounds and analyzing figurative language in a text, as mentioned above, is one of the difficult processes in translation. One of these figures of speech is metaphor which is considered by linguists as the most basic where one object is used to describe another object and both objects atomic number 18 essentially disparate entities, just now common in one or more attri alonees.In the followers section, the theoretical preliminaries of the study will be presented, which includes an overview of metaphor, concerning its definition, miscellanys, identification, and also translation procedures introduced by Newmark (1988a) on the translation of metaphors in general. The go out metaphor of food coloring in particular will also be discussed along with several exemplifications. Thereafter, a selection of the composed info will be presented, analyse and discussed. The last section will include the conclusion of the study. 2. Theoretical Preliminaries 2. 1.Definition of Metaphor Metaphor, as tell in the Merriam Webster online dictionary, is etymologically from Greek, from metapherein, meaning to transfer and from meta- + pherein, meaning to bear. It is define by the same source as a figure of speech, in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them. One of Shakespeares most famous and oft-quoted lines, each(prenominal) the worlds a demonstrate, is an example of a metaphor, where he indicates that the world and grade are analogous.According to Richards (1936), a metaphor consists of two parts, tenor and vehicle, also introduced as object and image by Newmark (1988a), respectively. The tenor is the term to which attri furtheres are ascribed and the vehicle is the term from which attri exceptes are borrowed. The properties of the vehicle which apply to the tenor in a given metaphor are namedgrounds of a metaphor, also cognize as the find of a metaphor. Therefore, in the example given above, world is the tenor or object, and stage is the vehicle or image.The ground of this metaphor is more apparent when the next two lines are added All the worlds a stage And all the men and women are exclusively players, They have their exi ts and their entrances This metaphor is extended by dint of adding another pair of tenor and vehicle, i. e. men and women is the second tenor and players is the second vehicle. Therefore, as the actors on stage have an entrance and also an exit, the inhabitants of the world do as advantageously, their entrance to this world being yield and their exit being death.2. 2. Classifications of Metaphors Metaphors have been categorized in different ways by different linguists. dispirited (1962a, p. 25) asserts that the only entrenched classification is grounded in the trite opposition between dead and live metaphors. He adds that this is no more helpful than, say, treating a corpse as a special case of a person A so- called dead metaphor is not a metaphor at all, but merely an expression that no longer has a pregnant metaphorical use.However, he does present a classification for metaphors, but not before declaring that if the actuality of a metaphor is important enough to be marked, o ne might consider replacing the dead and alive contrast by a set of finer discriminations hence, the following classification (ibid, p. 25) 1. extinct metaphors expressions whose etymologies, genuine or fancied, suggest a metaphor beyond resuscitation (a muscle as a little mouse, musculus) 2. dormant metaphors those expressions where the original, now usually unnoticed, metaphor asshole be usefully restored (obligation as involving some kind of bondage)3.active metaphors those expressions, that are, and are perceived to be, actively metaphoric He continues further to discriminate between two types of active metaphor an emphatic metaphor whose producer will allow no variation upon or substitute for the speech communication used, and a resonant metaphor, which supports a high degree of implicative elaboration (ibid, p. 26). On this account, he calls a metaphor of marked emphasis and resonance a wholesome metaphor, and in contrast, a metaphor of relatively low emphasis or resonance a frail metaphor.Lakoff (1977) made a revolutionary contribution to the study of metaphors when he suggested a new theory of metaphor which basically stated that metaphors are fundamentally conceptual, not linguistic, in nature (Lakoff, in Ortony, 1993, p. 244), which resulted in the advent of the conceptual or cognitive theory of metaphor. In his proposal of the theory, he does not provide us with any specific classification for metaphors, but sooner, he only refers to them in his writings as he explains and elaborates on the theory. He states that conceptual metaphors map one conceptual domain onto another (ibid, p.229).On the other hand, the novel metaphors of a language are, except for image metaphors, extensions of this large conventional system (ibid, p. 240). Therefore, it can be implied that he believes most metaphors to be conceptual metaphors and some others to be novel metaphors under which image metaphors are subcategorized. However, more than twenty years after Blacks declaration of his standpoint on the categorization of metaphors, Newmark (1988b) was still a faithful believer in the dead/live metaphor classification, as he distinguishes six types of metaphors, offset with dead metaphors1.dead metaphor this type of metaphor frequently relates to universal terms of space and time, the main part of the automobile trunk, general ecological features and the main human activities (ibid, p. 106). Dead metaphors have lost their figurative value by overuse and their images are hardly evident. Some examples of a dead metaphor include at the stinker of the hill, face of the mountains, and crown of glory. 2. cliche metaphor this type of metaphor is known to have outlived its usefulness, and is used as a substitute for clear thought, often emotively, but without match to the facts of the matter (ibid, p.107).Some examples include a jewel in the crown, to make ones mark, and backwater. 3. stock or model metaphor this type of metaphor is defined by Newm ark (1988b, p. 108) as an established metaphor, which in an in testis stage setting is an efficient and concise method of covering a physical and/or mental situation both referentially and pragmatically. He also states that stock metaphors, in contrast to dead metaphors, are not deadened by overuse (ibid). Examples of this type also mentioned by Newmark are to oil the wheels, hes in a giving humour, and hes on the eve of getting married.4. adapted metaphor this type of metaphor is in reality a stock metaphor that has been adapted into a new context by its speaker or writer, for example, the stock metaphor carrying coals to Newcastle can be rancid into an adapted metaphor by saying almost carrying coals to Newcastle. 5. recent metaphor this type of metaphor is produced through coining and is spread in the SL rapidly. Examples of this kind are spastic, meaning stupid, and skint, meaning without money.6.original metaphor this type of metaphor is created or quoted by the SL writer, and in the broadest sense, contains the core of an important writers message, his personality, his comment on life (ibid, p. 112). 2. 3. Identifying Metaphors The recognition of a metaphor in a certain text or speech may be rather easy for native speakers, but when it comes to a non-native, the challenge begins. The supposition that an expression is a metaphor when it yields a false or unreasonable meaning when interpreted literally is not reliable because not all metaphors have false literal interpretations ( management, 1991, p.14).This unreliability is proven by Way when she exemplifies through the following lyrics of a song A escape from feels no pain, and an island never cries. This statement is a metaphor, but it is also literally true rocks do not feel pain, and islands are not the kind of things that can cry (ibid). But how do we identify it as a metaphor, even when the literal meaning seems true? Way (1991, p. 14) explains Perhaps because, while not actually false, talki ng about rocks feeling pain and islands crying is certainly a peculiar combination maybe we can identify metaphors by their odd juxtaposition of ideas. A more classical way of identifying metaphors, which again is not reliable, is the form x is a y. Although many metaphors do take this form, many more do not. As Way exemplifies through Shakespeares Let slip the dogs of war, she states that although this is clearly a metaphor, but it does not burst the form of x is a y, for we are not comparing dogs to war, but rather to armies, something which is never explicitly mentioned in the phrase (ibid, p. 15). She goes on to explain that even the syntactic structure of a metaphor can not be proof of its essence, as it has no consistent syntactic form.She provides an example by Saskice, where it is shown how one metaphor can be rephrased as a statement, a question or an exclamation (ibid) The do work sleeps sweetly upon the bank. Does the moonlight sleep sweetly upon the bank? How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon the bank She also mentions that a metaphors focus can be of any part of speech. In the following examples by Saskice provided by Way (1991, p. 15), it is stated that the focus is first a verb, then a noun, and finally a participle The dirty dog danced from the chimney.The trees bowed in the dance of the seasons. Dancing waters surrounded the canoe. According to all the above, there is no reliable method for identifying a metaphor. The more we strive to analyze a metaphor, the more we understand that its debut and comprehension are challenging tasks, specifically for the non-native speaker. 2. 4. Translating Metaphors Newmark (1988b) proposes the following seven strategies for translating metaphors the examples include for each strategy are provided by Tajalli (2005, p. 107) 1. Reproducing the same image in the TL.Play with someones feelings 2. Replacing the image in the SL with a hackneyed TL image which does not clash with the TL culture I got it off my chest 3. variation of metaphor by simile, retaining the image The coast was only a long green line 4. Translation of metaphor (or simile) by simile plus sense, or occasionally metaphor plus sense He is an owl 5. Conversion of metaphor to sense To keep the pot boiling 6. Deletion.If the metaphor is redundant or serves no practical purpose, there is a case for its deletion, together with its sense component 7. Translation of metaphor by the same metaphor combined with sense. The addition of a gloss or an explanation by the translator is to ensure that the metaphor will be understood The tongue is fire . 2. 5. watch Metaphors of comment As mentioned earlier, image metaphor is a subcategory of Lakoffs novel metaphor. He distinguishes between conceptual metaphor and image metaphor due to their distinct mapping processes.The conceptual metaphor maps one conceptual domain onto another, often with many concepts in the source domain mapped onto m any corresponding concepts in the target domain, whereas the image metaphor maps only one image onto one other image thus, Lakoff (1977) calls them one-shot metaphors. The following poem, interpreted by Louis watcher (as cited in Ortony, 1993, p. 231), contains several image mappings My horse with a hoof like a striped agate, with his fetlock like a fine eagle plume my horse whose legs are like quick lightning whose body is an eagle-plumed arrowmy horse whose tail is like a trailing black cloud. He continues by explaining that nonliteral image mappings work in the same way as all other metaphoric mappings by mapping the structure of one domain onto the structure of another. But here, the domains are conventional mental images (ibid, p. 229). Therefore, image metaphors map one attribute of the source domain onto the target domain. Image mapping may have physical part-whole relationships, as in the following example extracted from The Descriptions of King Lent, translated by J.M. C ohen (ibid, p. 230)His toes were like the keyboard of a spinet. Lakoff explains that The words do not tell us that an individual toe corresponds to an individual key on the keyboard. The words are prompts for us to perform a conceptual mapping between conventional mental images (ibid). Image mapping may also involve a dynamic image, as in the following lines by Shakespeare (as cited in Hawkes, 1972, p. 46), where the movement of the curtains is mapped onto the movement of the eyeThe fringed curtains of thine eye advance,And say what thou sees yond. Other attributes, such as colorise, may also be mapped, which are the main focus of the present study. The following lines by Shakespeare (ibid, p. 47) map the blankness of the lily and also ivory onto the girl Full gently now she takes him by the hand, A lily prisond in a gaol of snow, Or ivory in an alabaster band So white a friend engirts so white a foe. There are many examples of image metaphors of color in the Shahnameh, where the attribute of color has been mapped onto the target domain.The following translation of a brace in the Shahnameh, produced by Warner Warner, contains four image metaphors (of which two are similes), but only in two of them is the attribute of color intended to be mapped the whiteness of camphor is mapped onto the characters pig, and the redness of a rose onto his cheeks His stature cypress-like, his face a sun, His hair like camphor and his rose-red cheeks (Warner and Warner, 1925, vol. 1, p. 191) Also in the following example from the Shahnameh, Davis has compared blood to the redness of wine in this metaphor, even including the sense.But here, the metaphor has been applied simply as a device for making the text more poetic, as Way (1991, p. 33) discussed about the substitution theory of metaphor. He saw Sohrab in the center of the Persian ranks, the ground beneath his feet awash with wine-red blood. (Davis, p. 205) 2. 6. Formal and Dynamic Equivalence Nida (1964) divides equiva lence in two different types in his article entitled Principles of Correspondence, i. e. formal and dynamic equivalence. He depicts formal equivalence as a focus on the message, in both its formal aspects and its content.Thus, in a translation from poetry to poetry, sentence to sentence, and concept to concept (Nida, in Venuti 2000, p. 129), the concern is formal equivalence. In this type of equivalence, the message produced in the TT should match the different elements of the ST as closely as manageable. Nida further explains that a gloss translationtypifies formal equivalence. In this type of translation, he states, the translator attempts to reproduce as literally and meaningfully as possible the form and content of the original (ibid). In order to be comprehensible, such a translation would require numerous footnotes (ibid).This structural equivalence seems to be rather identical to Larsonsmodified literal translation, where the translation is basically literal, but with modifi cations to the order and grammar of the ST, so as to produce acceptable sentence structure in the receptor language (Larson, 1984, p. 16). To a great extent, it also resembles Newmarks semantic translation, which he states, attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original (Newmark, 1988a, p.39).Dynamic equivalence, on the other hand, maintains that the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and the message (Nida, in Venuti 2000, p. 129). In a translation of dynamic equivalence, the target readership is not necessarily required to understand the SL culture in order to understand the message.Most importantly, this type of equivalence aims at land up ingenuousness of expression (ibid) , and is also based on the principle of equivalent effect, which maintains that the translator should produce the sam e effect on his own readers as the SL author produced on the original readers. Similar to Nidas dynamic equivalence is the handed-down idiomatic translationdiscussed in Larson (1984). The translators goal should be to reproduce in the receptor language a text which communicates the same message as the SL, but using the natural grammatical and lexical choices of the receptor language (ibid, p.17). Also rather similar to this type of equivalence is Newmarks communicative translation, which he claims, attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original (Newmark, 1988a, p. 39). According to the above-mentioned, after comparing Warner Warners (1925) and Davis (2007) English translations of the Shahnameh with the original, it was concluded that the first translation is a semantic translation, while the second one is a communicative translation.Warner Warner have translated poetry into poetry and also strived at preserving t he archaic tone of the original. Furthermore, they have indicated in their substructure to the translation that many explanatory notes have been added hence leading to a semantic translation. Davis, on the other hand, has converted poetry into prose, with occasional lines of verse in some episodes. He also explains in his Introduction to the translation that he has intended this translation for the general reader and not for scholars thus his version is a communicative translation. 3.Empirical Data 3. 1. Data Collection and Analysis Thirty-three examples of image metaphors of color determine in theShahnameh were fit(p) in two English translations, i. e. Warner Warner (1925) and Davis (2007). It is worth noting that over forty-five metaphorical expressions of color were identified in the entire Shahnameh, but as Davis translation is not a complete translation, rather an abridged version, only xxxiii were applicable to this study. The first step in this procedure was to identify a ll terms/objects in theShahnameh that presented color imagery.This information was found in a list provided by Rastegar Fasaei (1990). 79 items were listed, but only thirty-three were applicable in this study, because the list was obviously not intended for metaphors of color, but rather a list indicatingterms that denote a color. Many of these terms were basic color terms, e. g. , which could not produce any potential metaphorical expression implying a color. They were mostly used in procedural phrases describing a particular object or event.Therefore, all color terms were ruled out, as well as other terms which indicated some kind of brightness or shiny effect, e. g. the expression , in which the metaphor implies that the sword is very shiny. Unfortunately, more or less eighteen of the items in this list were of this kind, representing brightness of an object, colors of the air, and colors of the earth, of which the latter two seemed ambiguous and impracticable for this study . As mentioned earlier, the translation by Davis is not a complete translation of the wholeShahnameh, as many episodes have been omitted.Therefore, several of the items in the list have occurred only in the sections not translated by Davis hence, deleting them from the list was inevitable. Many of the terms in the list, unfortunately again, were observed only in the form of similes, and not metaphors therefore, they could not be applied either. After settling on these thirty-three items, they were desire in aShahnameh software, in order to locate the couplets which contained these terms. The next step was to review each couplet to see which one had an image metaphor of color created with that specific term.For some terms, the frequency of occurrence was very high, e. g. approximately 400 couplets, which caused some difficulties in terms of being highly time-consuming. A minimum of one couplet carrying an image metaphor of color was chosen for each of the thirty-three instances via the Shahnamehsoftware. These examples were then initially located in the translation by Davis, as his is an abridged translation. Regarding this, he states in the Introduction to his book Given the poems considerable length, some passages have inevitably been omitted, and others are presented in summary form (Davis, 2007, xxxiv).After determining which of the examples were included in Davis translation, one couplet was eventually chosen for each instance, and then the corresponding expression was located in Warner Warners translation. So far, there were thirty-three Persian examples of image metaphors of color, along with their corresponding expressions in the two English translations. These were the steps taken in the data collection stage. The next step was to analyze the collected data, which included determining the translation procedures involved in each of the two translations.The framework applied was Newmarks (1988b) seven procedures introduced for translating metaphors. T he goal here was not just determining which translator applied which procedure(s) and the frequency of each procedure, but also finding out whether any new procedures were applied other than Newmarks. The study also aimed atdiscovering any possible translation patterns exclusive to each translator. The following three examples were selected as representatives of the collected data in this study. (?. ?)The shadow was like jet dipped in pitch, there lent No planet flame to the firmament (Warner Warner, vol. 3, p. 287) A nighttime as black as coal bedaubed with pitch, A night of ebony, a night on which Mars, Mercury, and Saturn would not rise. (Davis, p. 306) In this ST context, the poet has depicted the scene as though the night has actually covered its face with pitch. Both translators have reproduced the same image in their TTs, thus liken the night to a black stone ( ) that has washed its exterior with pitch. (?. ) Raised such a break upBut swift as dust they sped Till days cheeks turned to lapis-lazuli. (Warner Warner, vol. 7, p. 67) They rode quickly until the day turned purple with dusk. (Davis, p. 642) The definition provided for is a dark blue stone its translation by Emami is lapis-lazuli, azure. Britannicas online dictionary definition forlapis-lazuli is a semiprecious stone valued for its deep blue color. Therefore, the first translator has again reproduced the same image through the same metaphor. The second translator, however, has converted the metaphor to its sense, i. e. the color it represents. ? ? (?. ) This he said, And heaved a sigh. The food colour of his cheek Turned from pomegranate-bloom to fenugreek (Warner Warner, vol. 6, p. 25) Having said this he heaved a sigh from the depths of his being, and the rosy pomegranate flower petal turned as pale as fenugreek. (Davis, p. 455) The mental image of this ST metaphor is mapped onto the kings face, describing the change of color in his complexion. The first translator has interestingly enough converted the metaphor to its sense, which seems rather a rare procedure for a semantic translation.The second translator, however, has reproduced the same image in TT2. 3. 2. Discussion Thirty-three cases of image metaphors of color were identified in theShahnameh and then located in two English translations, i. e. Warner Warner (1925) and Davis (2007). Afterwards, the procedures applied by each translator in rendering these thirty-three items were identified. The framework chosen was that of Newmarks (1988a). The analysis of the data showed that Warner and Warner applied five of Newmarks suggested procedures in translating the specified image metaphors of color. They also presented two cases of wrong translation.In the following table, the procedures applied by Warner Warner in translating the thirty-three image metaphors of color identified in this study and their frequency of occurrence, along with the corresponding pe rcentages are shown. Table 4. 1. absolute frequency and percentage of procedures applied by Warner Warner Procedure Frequency Percentage Reproducing the same image in the TL 23 69. 69 Replacing the image in the SL with a standard TL image 3 9. 09 Translation of metaphor by simile, retaining the image 1 3. 03 Translation of metaphor by simile plus sense 0 0.Conversion of metaphor to sense 3 9. 09 Deletion 0 0 Translation of metaphor by the same metaphor plus sense 1 3. 03 Wrong translation 2 6. 06 Total 33 100 As evident in this table, Warner Warner have neither translated any metaphors by simile plus sense, nor deleted any metaphor. The most frequently applied procedure in their translations was the fosterage of the same image in the TL. The translation of the Shahnameh produced by Warner Warner is a semantic translation, which clearly proves the reason as to why their most frequently applied procedure is the one mentioned above.A semantic translation attempts to recreate the p recise flavor and tone of the original the words are sacred, not because they are more important than the content, but because form and content are one (Newmark, 1988a, p. 47). The analysis of the data also shows that Davis has applied all seven procedures introduced by Newmark in translating these items. There was no evidence of any wrong translation. The following table presents the frequency of each procedure which was applied and also their percentages. Table 4. 2. Frequency and percentage of procedures applied by Davis Procedure Frequency Percentage.Reproducing the same image in the TL 12 36. 36 Replacing the image in the SL with a standard TL image 3 9. 09 Translation of metaphor by simile, retaining the image 3 9. 09 Translation of metaphor by simile plus sense 2 6. 06 Conversion of metaphor to sense 6 18. 18 Deletion 2 6. 06 Translation of metaphor by the same metaphor plus sense 5 15. 15 Total 33 100 As indicated in the table, the most frequently used procedure by Davis is also the reproduction of the same image in the TL. He has opted for deletion of the image metaphor of color in two cases.In one of the two cases, his deletion seems to serve the purpose of a more easy-going, reader-friendly text (where the metaphoric elements seem complex or far-fetched to the target audience), whereas in the other case, his deletion seems somehow arbitrary or unjustifiable. The following table compares the two translations in terms of the percentage of procedures applied. P1 through P7 are the seven translation procedures involved in this study, also indicated in the previous table, and WT stands for wrong translation. Table 4. 3.Percentage of the procedures applied by both translators P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 WT Total % W. W. 69. 69 9. 09 3. 03 0 9. 09 0 3. 03 6. 06 100 Davis 36. 36 9. 09 9. 09 6. 06 18. 18 6. 06 15. 15 0 100 4. Conclusion Thirty-three cases of image metaphors of color were extracted from theShahnameh and relocated in two English translations, i. e . Warner Warner (1925) and Davis (2007). The main objective of the study was to determine which translation procedures introduced by Newmark (1988a) for translating metaphors in general were applied by the two above mentioned translators.According to the collected and analyzed data, Warner Warner applied five of Newmarks suggested procedures. The two procedures they did not apply at all were deletion and translation of metaphor by simile plus sense. The figures indicated that approximately 70% of the thirty-three cases had undergone Newmarks first procedure, i. e. reproducing the same image in the TL, which was also considered the most frequently used procedure by Warner Warner. This is a verification that their translation is indeed a semantic translation, as the objective in this type of translation is to recreate the ST, both its form and its content.This occurs to a great extent through literal/word for word translation, which is rather similar to the above- mentioned procedu re. Davis, on the other hand, applied all seven of Newmarks procedures in his translation of image metaphors of color. The most frequently used procedure was again, a reproduction of the same image in the TL (36%). The second aim was to determine whether any new procedures for translating image metaphors of color other than those proposed by Newmark for translating metaphors resulted from this study.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Revolutionary Mothers Essay Example for Free

Revolutionary Mothers EssayWowork force of varying races and classes experienced the American Revolution in different ways. stalwart women over-estimated the agent of their class position, Native American women would see their ply within their societies diminish, and African American break ones back women saw their hope for power through freedom subsumed by racial inequality. Regardless of the relative positions of power for each of these classes of women, their experiences as victims of war were similar. The chaos of war and a changing governmental system left(p) few women, if any, truly better off it its wake. En slaved African American women, those with the least amount of societal or political power before the American Revolution, were taunted with promises of freedom from British office holders and eventually British generals. However, these promises unless came to fruition for a fr secondion of the tens of thousands of slaves who left their masters in search of free dom. Dunmores Proclamation of 1775 enticed slaves to sputter for the British Army in exchange for freedom. Dunmores Ethiopian Regiment met with disaster through distemper and capture. Half of the regiment and its female followers died of smallpox (124). When the regiment was captured by Americans, thirty people were interchange back into slaveholding in the Caribbean as an example of what would happen to slaves who sided with the British (124). Four thousand slaves, men, women, and children, fled with prevalent Cornwallis.When he was strained to surrender Charleston to the Americans, many of the slaves who were with him were sent to NY and eventually to freedom in Canada (125). not all those who encountered the British Army were freed. When General Henry Clinton ordered that Patriot personal property be confiscated, that included slaves. Clinton treated these slaves as property of the British Army and forced women to do the soldiers laundry and help build fortifications (127). African American women who did manage to passing water to Canada, were victims of racial hierarchy. The best lands addressable went to sporty refugees rather than black refugees.Those who made it to Canada were subject toviolence from whites when they stepped step upside of their accustomed economic and social roles (129). There are regional differences for African American women who did not did not flee during British promises of freedom. bit-by-bit abolition in the North meant opportunities for freedom. However, these opportunities were limited by racial hierarchy. In the South, farmers and plantation owners relied on slave labor to rebuild the agrarian economy in the wake of the Revolutionary War (133). As slavery became further entrenched in the Southern economy and culture, freedom became nearly impossible. Of the tens of thousands of slaves who fled, the British formally apt(p) only 1300 men, 914 women, and 740 children freedom (129).Many white stalwart women also escap ed to Canada. However, many elite loyalist women overestimated the power granted to them by their class standing. Loyalist women left behind when their husbands went to fight for the British were impotent to prevent patriots from taking their property and removing them from their homes. Elite womens marriages, property, children, and mere presence were politicized (98). Women who chose to flee or who fled to escape the violence of the patriots were unwanted burdens on their enemies and allies alike (100). Not all loyalist women were hapless victims. Those who chose to act as individual political agents by aiding British soldiers and passing intelligence forced an alteration to the Americans language surrounding traitors.Treason laws which previously read, he, were changed to include both men and women (103). Women who fled invariably confront hardships in the harsh travelling conditions. Wealthier women fared better than those of modest means. Wealthy women were more likely to surv ive the move to Canada and find adequate shelter once they arrived. Women of less means lived in tents during harsh winters and faced starvation. By the end of the war, the elite social classes were rebuilding their societal structure in Canada (106). Though many were settle down bitter about losing their farms and possessions, they made a gentrified society out of the relative wilderness of Canada (106).Native American women scattered the most in terms of position and power during the American Revolution. Women were an integral part of the political decision making process in Native American nations. Women leaders of the mohawk, Cherokee, and Munsee Delaware sought to coexist with white settlers, none were successful. Molly Brant, mistress to British Indian Agent William Johnson held considerable sway with both Mohawk and British. She relied upon for her diplomatic skills and remained loyal to her husbands British background even after his death in 1774 (111). Nancy War attempte d to keep the peace between Cherokee and white settlers from her position on the Cherokee General Council and as leader of the Womens Council (115). When negotiating a agreement with white settlers, Queen Esther Montour of the Munsee Delaware suggested the white man with who she was negotiating take the proposed treaty back for him women to read. He was incredulous at the idea that his women would have anything to say in political matters (116).none of these women had counterparts in American colonial society (118). White men who wanted to trade or negotiate with Native Americans were forced to deal with women in positions of power. Molly Brant took political action when she warned her brother of American soldiers intent on providing support at Fort Stanwix. Her efforts made her an enemy to the Americans and an enemy of the Oneida, a family line once united in Confederacy with her own Mohawk. Mollys home war raided and she was forced to flee. At the end of the war, like so many o ther women, she was exiled to the relative safety device of Canada. British men came to respect women like Molly Brant.However, it was much more common for European men to view the sexuality structure of Native American society as abhorrence against Gods natural law. one time America had secured its independence, Native American womens positions of power within their cultures was subsumed by assimilation efforts of the new American nation. Native Americans refashioned their societies in the face of threats and pressures from Americans who pushed European norms onto Native Americans. The spiritual and political roles for women were lost in these efforts (119).Although these groups of women started out in very different circumstances before the war, and ended with different social circumstances, they shared a common thread of the necessity to flee. They even often shared a common location of safety and freedom Canada. None of these women had a place of freedom or power within the n ew American Republic. Many more slaves remained as such than gained freedom during the American Revolution. Elite womeneventually regained status lost during the Revolution, but in a new, harsher land. Native American womens social and political positions were devastated by the results of the American Revolution. Just as their nations slowly lost their sovereignty and autonomy, so did Native American women lose their power and freedom within their communities.