Friday, July 19, 2019

Graduation Speech: Its All About the Good Times :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

As we leave the comfort and familiarity of our home, school and community, we are vulnerably subjected to a wide array of new experiences. We are happy to be graduating but at the same time sad to leave our friends and nervous for what's ahead. Advice is the key necessity in this time of change, and who better to listen to than the peers who have been by our side for the past 13 years of schooling and are going through the same thing as you are right now? I asked many of you, the students of the class of 2012, this question, "If you could tell the senior class one thing at graduation, what would it be?" Take a moment to listen to their answers and advice as we branch out and go our separate ways. Megan reminds us to "Enjoy your youth." Her advice is well-needed to remind us that although we are now bombarded with a plethora of new responsibilities, we are still young; take advantage of it, have fun, and don't grow up too fast. And to keep us looking young, Tom advises us to "always wear sunscreen." It is also important to set goals, follow your dreams and reach for the stars, which Alma put most eloquently when she said, "Be bold about your dreams, and work hard for them." She is right in that we need to pursue our visions, as well as take risks that may be foreign to us. Ashley puts it simply, "Take every chance or opportunity that comes your way, because they go fast, and regret is the one thing that can never be made up for." Amanda's theory is simple, but its importance cannot be stressed enough. She said, "In everything you do, think about it and how it affects you and everybody around you." Expanding on this idea is Adrianne's quote to "stay safe and realize that the choices you make today will affect the rest of your life." They both really hit on how important your every move is, and how your life can strongly impact those around you. Kelly Gorr also touches on this subject as she reminds us to "wear deodorant or stop smelling." Similarly, Jay advises us to "clip your toenails or leave your socks on." Willow truly inspired me with her quote to "always be true to yourself and never apologize for who you are.

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