Saturday, August 31, 2019

Corrections Essay

What works for one individual may not work for another. If the offender is serving time for pedophilia, rape, murder, or drugs it could be that it Is who they view themselves as and will not change for the better. The recidivism rate for all prisoners, no matter what their crime may be, is high in prisons all around the world. The more time that a prisoner spends time in prison, the more likely they are to either return to prison or to violate their parole. The fact of the matter Is one has to see the change they want in themselves before omen can force them to change.Prisoners who are enrolled in prison rehabilitation programs are still as likely, If not more, to return to prison. It Is only those who successfully complete the education programs provided for them who have lower recidivism rates. This is because they have sought to change for the better, and were not forced to change. However, most prisoners who attend these programs are usually the ones who have been in prison the l ongest. Those prisoners who successfully completed the programs where more often then not, the ones who had better chances at becoming successful parolees.The criminal Justice system should focus more on punishment-oriented programs to discourage prisoners from returning. If prisons began enforcing very strict and difficult prison policies, it can make a prisoner see the change that society wants to see for themselves. Most repeat offenders feel more comfortable on the inside then they do on the outside. This Is a very sad and true fact. They become so adapt to living In prisons that they almost consider It a home. When they are subsequently released, they feel Like they do not belong In normal society, thus returning to crime.Another sad reality Is that many businesses and corporations will not higher these inmates due to their records. If the united States penal system enforced strict and almost hellish conditions in these prisons, such as solitary confinement for the majority of their sentence this may change. The prison systems could focus on such harsh punishments, such as no contact with others. The only time contact with others should be allowed is when they choose to attend rehabilitation programs. As time goes on, and the more successful the inmate becomes in the program, prison officials can lessen the rashness of their punishments.This, in the beginning, forces the prisoners to attend the program. However, the prisoner must find It within themselves to successfully complete their education. This makes the prisoners work for their freedom and the change that they want to see. If a prisoner does not complete the requirements of the rehabilitation then can go back to the strict punishments. It Is their choice, and they cannot be forced change. They have to want it. On the outside innocent. They should do this by upholding the law to such a standard that encourages individuals that they do not want to commit a crime.Law enforcement agents should have th e power to do whatever is necessary to take down those who break the law. Currently law enforcement officials have more restrictions placed on themselves by the law, then the criminals breaking it, which makes it that much more difficult to enforce the law. There seem to be far to many loopholes in the Justice system that protects the offenders. It is my personal belief that once you break the law, you have limited rights. We should not be sending our own people who protect there to Jail for police brutality and so on.If someone rapes a woman and then tries to attack the arresting officer, the police are well within their respective rights to do whatever it is necessary to bring said individual to Justice. Such acts will discourage many from committing crimes. If you decided to break the law, well then that is a conscious decision that you made. It is you who should pay for the crimes, not the police. People should feel safe around the police if one has not committed a crime, but if you do break the law one should be terrified. The fear should come from what he police are capable of doing to you to enforce the law.However, law enforcement officials should be trained to asses the amount of force needed to instill enough fear within the individual by a case by case basis. If you get pulled over for running a red light, a cop cannot pull you out of the car and start beating you. Although, if you murder or rape someone, cops should be allowed to punish you. This will in turn instill fear within the offender not to commit the crime again, due to the treatment you receive from the police, and then the harsh prison system mentioned previously.

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