Monday, September 9, 2019

Marketing Case Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Marketing Case - Research Paper Example Primary aim of marketing is to understand, attract, communicate, and to maintain relationship with the target audience and hence, marketing is useful for the task where target consumers are important. This paper will attempt to frame a set of plausible marketing strategy for Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) for attracting large of visitors including domestic and foreigners. This is the national museum of Canada to be established by the Canadian Government. Currently, this museum is under construction, and the task for establishment was started from August 10, 2008 after the Parliamentary amendments of Museum Act on March 13, 2008. It is supposed to open from 2012 and will aim to offer the world a platform for engaging in discussions about serious issues like hate, oppression and suppression (Canadian Museum for Human Rights-a, 2010). The marketing activity for CMHR is communicating with the target audience for promoting its value and for understanding of human rights. This wil l help it to meet the commitments of Canadian Government to support â€Å"democracy, freedom, human rights, and the rule of law† (Canadian Museum for Human Rights-b, 2010). SWOT Analysis Strengths The biggest strength of the museum lies in its location based advantages. Canada being one of the developed nations, adds to the popularity of the museum. It also helps in garnering funds as the government has provided full support for the museum. Another major strength of the organization is the unique concept by which the museum has been conceptualized. The noble and unique nature of the museum helps in increasing the awareness of the individual’s on the aspect of human rights (Canadian Museum for Human Rights-a, 2010). The uniqueness of the museum also lies in its innovative, interactive and high technology environment that would enable interactions such as debates with regard to human rights. Any person can submit his/her story about human rights violations and the museum would provide a platform for sharing it across the globe (Krell, 2009, p.50). Weakness Lack of awareness about the concept of the museum amongst the target audience seems to be the most formidable weakness of the museum. This lack of awareness leads to generation of considerable weakness as people may not be aware of the museum. This would hamper the very basic intention of setting up the museum. Opportunities Being located in a developed nation and set up with a noble and unique concept generates large scale opportunity for the museum to draw visitors. The museum also provides opportunity for individuals to highlight their stories about human rights violations to showcase their problems on a global platform. Human rights violations form one of the most burning issues and there have been numerous issues of human rights violations which remain unreported due to lack of a proper platform. The museum with its unique concept would help in generating large scale opportunities that would help in drawing large crowds and make it a success story. Threats There have been certain controversies regarding the site of the project as many claim it as a land that has historical significance and building a structure over it

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