Saturday, May 11, 2019

Does Class Really Matter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Does Class in reality Matter - Essay ExampleClass and money are intertwined since money plays a major parting in the identification of a class. This identification, however, is not accurate as the value of humans is equated with money. For instance, the public identifies members of a class by weighing their worth in terms of in precipitate and monetary possessions. As much as we would like to shun the class system, the fact remains that it exists and has continued to manifest its pictures upon each American who holds the vision of living the American dream.There are various levels of stratification, with a general upper, middle and dismount classes. Thus, individuals are limited to interaction within their classes meaning chances of cross-class associations are very thin. This same(p) class separationism has been applied in housing and neighborhoods where each residential zone belongs are occupied by members of the same class. much(prenominal) has led to a segregated society wi th less sense of community and togetherness as the classes do not help each other. This segregation as we have learned is called classism. According to, classism is the assigning individuals characteristics consistently based on their ability and worth leading to social classes and differential treatments ( Classism has a great effect on how individuals view themselves, for example, those of lower social class perceive themselves as less fortunate and without both worth to the society. Another aspect the affects peoples perception of themselves and others is the nature of the job. For instance, people with jobs of higher stance not only earn respect from the society, but also gain self-respect and high self-esteem. Such jobs are also bound to make one happier because of better living standards.It is evident that we, Americans, have come a long way in capitalism. Our culture likes ranking persons in orders of significance, and our culture enables these a ssort significant individuals flaunt about what

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