Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Finance - Essay ExampleOverview The term liquid state refers to the ability of the fast to cover its debt obligations through its liquid assets, without incurring a large loss. For example, if a firm wants to repay its undischarged commercial paper obligation of one month, then it might issue new commercial document instead of selling its assets (The Economist 2001). Thus, liquidity insecurity involves the inability of the firm to meet its current and its emerging collateral needs and cash flows, without affecting the overall financial operations of the firm (FRBSF 2010, 1). The financial firms are generally sensitive regarding funding the liquidity risks, as transforming debt maturity such as purchasing assets with the short-run deposits, funding the long-term loans or debt obligations, are the major business areas. As a response to the liquidity risk, the financial firms generally maintain and establish a system for liquidity management. This system helps in assessing the future requirements of funds and also ensures that the funds are accessible during the appropriate time. Before moving on to question the solutions firms prepare to meet out the liquidity risks, we will discuss the types of liquidity risk that prevails (Nikolaou 2009, 10-11). Figure 1 Source (Fiedler 2002). There are two types of liquidity risks that would be discussed in this study, namely a) Market liquid state Risk, and b) Funding Liquidity Risk. The Market Liquidity Risk means that the assets potfulnot be sold in the mart due to constraints in liquidity in the market. It quarter be due to widening of the offer spread, elaborateness of holding period, or making unambiguous liquidity reserves. The Funding Liability Risk means having risk when the liabilities go offnot be met, when they are due, can be met when the price is uneconomic, or is systematic. There are different situations or causes due to when liquidity risk can be assessed. The situation when not a single buyer i s available in the market to trade for an asset or assets, leads to liquidity risks. Liquidity risk can be denoted as a financial risk which occurs due to uncertain liquidity. Liquidity risks might deck out when the credit ratings of the firm falls, or when it experiences a sudden outflow of cash (Drehmann, and Nikolaou 2009, 4-5). The recent disintegration of some(prenominal)(prenominal) huge financial institutions reveals the critical nature of the liquidity risks and also depicts the critical persona that it plays for the regulators, globally. The Bank of foreign Settlements (BIS) was among the first to adopt the comprehensive regime of testing liquidity risk and protecting the institutional stakeholders. The monetary Service Authorities (FSA) has also issued policy statement PS09/16, for strengthening the liquidity standards. Liquidity risk can be regarded as both eccentric as well as systematic. It plays a crucial role for the banking entities and the other industries too. Liquidity risks may vary between assets, liability and time. It includes the institutional stakeholders like the creditors, debtors, owners, etc (Oracle Financial go 2009, 2-4). Risk Measurement The recent fluctuations in the financial market included the payment system and several banking processes which are directly related to short-term forecasting. The control system should be such so that it can measure the liquidity risks and the performance with relation to the models utilized for market and credit risks.

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